OS/400 Jobs

OS400 Jobs define the necessary parameters to run scripts on OS/400 operating systems. OS/400 Jobs can run independently or they can be added to a Job Group (JOBG) or to a Workflow.

Defining OS/400 Jobs

An OS/400 Job definition consists of the following pages:

Start Parameters Section

  • Script Type: CMD

    The Job consists of OS/400 commands. If an error occurs in one of these commands, the Job ends abnormally. The severity code is set as the Job return code.

  • Script Type: ILE CL

    The Job consists of an ILE CL script and is compiled by the Agent before it is processed. The compiled CL program is processed subsequently.

    The Job return code can be set using the "CHGVAR VAR(&RETCODE) VALUE('0')" CL command.

  • Script Type: REXX

    The Job consists of a REXX script and is passed on to the interpreter.

    The Job return code can be set using the REXX statement "retcode = 6".

Runtime Options Section

  • Job Name

    Name that the system assigns to the Job for processing.

    Maximum length: 10 characters

    If no name is specified, the Agent creates a name with the following format: J + RunID* + 2-digit client number

    *The RunID consists of at least 7 and at most 10 digits.

    Example: J0421121504

  • Job Description

    Job description in the form Library/Job description (Library can be omitted).

    Default value: *USRPRF

    Maximum length: 21 characters

  • Job Queue

    Job queue in the form Library/Job queue (Library can be omitted).

    Default value: *JOBD

    Maximum length: 21 characters

  • Routing Data

    Routing data used to initiate the first routing step of the Job. This data determines the routing entry which marks the program that the Job executes.

    Default value: *JOBD

    Maximum length: 255 characters.

  • Priority

    Priority with which the Job should be executed.

    Allowed values: 1 to 99, where 1 is the highest and 99 the lowest priority

    If you have specified a value and a successful SBMJOB has been made, the Agent executes a CHGJOB with this priority.

    Note: The priority does not affect the processing order of tasks, it only serves to define their starting order. The task with the higher priority is started first. For tasks with the same priority, the Fist In/First Out (FIFO) principle applies.

Job Report Section

For information on the Job Report section, see Job Reports.

See also:

Jobs (JOBS)