Filtering the List of Fulfillments

To restrict the number of records displayed in the Fulfillments list, click the Filter button on the toolbar and set your filter criteria.

Tip: You can share filtered lists with other users. You can also bookmark the filtered list to be able to access it quickly next time. For more information, see Bookmarking and Sharing Links.

To Add Filter Criteria

  1. Click the Add Filter Criteria button.
  2. Select a criterion from the dropdown list.
  3. The new filter section is added.

    • If it is an input field, the focus is on it so that you start typing immediately.
    • If it is a combo box that allows bulk selection, it displays All. This means that selecting nothing is the same as selecting all entries in the list.
  4. After configuring the filter criteria, click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane to apply them.

Available Filter Criteria

Restrict the list using the following criteria:

  • Service Level Objective

    Name or part of the name of the SLO object

  • Service Name

    Name or part of the name of the executable object that the SLO is monitoring

  • Service Type

    Object type of the services that are being monitored

  • Beneficiaries

    Entities (departments, business units, and so on) that require the executable objects to be processed according to the criteria defined in the agreement. They are defined as General Page in your system.

  • Detection Time

    Time or time span at which the violation has been detected

  • Reason

    Text that describes why the criteria were not met

  • Service Fulfillment

    Fulfilled or violated SLOs


  • Allowed wildcard characters: * and ?
  • By default, the search function uses implicit wildcards at the beginning and at the end of text strings. Entering DB_BACKUP triggers the search for *DB_BACKUP*. The following results are also found:




See also: