Checking for Incompatibilities between Version 21.0 and 21.0.3

As a system administrator, you need to check incompatibilities between consecutive versions before upgrading your system. Check the compatibility matrix to find the relevant information on supported versions, setup, or prerequisites. For more information, see Compatibility Information.

The tables below list new features that might lead to compatibility issues or should be taken care of when upgrading; they do not list all new features of this AE version. New features are described in full in the Release Highlights and Release Notes.

More information:

To provide a better overview, the tables are categorized by the severity of the issue. There are three different categories:

  • Critical: Issues that must be addressed, otherwise the system will not work
  • Behavior change: Functionality changes in existing features that might have an impact on your system
  • Advisory: Different issues you should be aware of but might not have an impact on your system

The columns display the following information:

  • Topic: Name of the general topic or new feature
  • Changed behavior: What has been changed
  • Possible incompatibilities: Impact the change may have
  • Actions/Countermeasures: What can be done to identify and/or remove possible incompatibilities

This page includes the following:

Compatibility Issues

Automic Automation



Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


Isolation Group related changes in SAP Agent for SMSE Code changes required for SAP SMSE 7.2 support. The SAP SMSE 7.2 solution works only with the 21.0.3 SAP Agent. If you want to use SAP SMSE 7.2, then you must use the 21.0.3 SAP Agent.

Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition

Behavior Change


Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


AAKE compatible with Kubernetes v1.21 to v1.23 Support for Kubernetes versions 1.21 to 1.23. The Ingress API used to automatically generate the NGINX customized Ingresses for awi, jcp-rest, and jcp-ws has been changed to a newer version that is compatible with the latest Kubernetes version. This API is not compatible with older Kubernetes versions. If you use automatically generated ingresses for your AAKE deployment, you must use at least Kubernetes version 1.21 on the Kubernetes cluster.