Checking for Incompatibilities between Version 21.0.4 and 21.0.5

As a system administrator, you need to check incompatibilities between consecutive versions before upgrading your system. Check the compatibility matrix to find the relevant information on supported versions, setup, or prerequisites. For more information, see Compatibility Information.

The tables below list new features that might lead to compatibility issues or should be taken care of when upgrading; they do not list all new features of this AE version. New features are described in full in the Release Highlights and Release Notes.

More information:

To provide a better overview, the tables are categorized by the severity of the issue. There are three different categories:

  • Critical: Issues that must be addressed, otherwise the system will not work
  • Behavior change: Functionality changes in existing features that might have an impact on your system
  • Advisory: Different issues you should be aware of but might not have an impact on your system

The columns display the following information:

  • Topic: Name of the general topic or new feature
  • Changed behavior: What has been changed
  • Possible incompatibilities: Impact the change may have
  • Actions/Countermeasures: What can be done to identify and/or remove possible incompatibilities

This page includes the following:

Compatibility Issues

Automic Automation

Behavior Change


Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


Increase Agent Security Agent processes are separated to increase security. The Agent does not start if the user does not have the required privileges. Make sure you start the Agent with a user with sufficient privileges.
Enhancement of non-TLS/SSL Authentication mechanism The generation of keys for securing the connection between the AE and non-TLS/SSL agents has been enhanced. The version of the Agents and the AE must be compatible. Enable higher security setting only when all components (AE, Agents) match the required versions.



Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


General DB change

Note: Information and the checking instructions apply to all versions, between your existing installation and the latest you want to upgrade to, respectively.

The DB scheme/structure has been changed. Custom SQL queries on AE DB do not work anymore.
  • Check and adapt relevant SQL/SQLI/SQLJOBS objects accordingly
  • Check and adapt relevant DB queries used in external tools/programs
Agent folder permissions

Default access rights for internal folders created by the Agent have been changed.

There are different access rights for folders depending on if the folders were created manually upfront OR if the Agent creates them upon first startup.

Make sure that all OS users used to execute jobs or to perform FileTransfers have sufficient permissions to access all necessary folders required by the Agent. Otherwise, some scripts or FileTransfers might not run.