Checking for Incompatibilities between Version 21.0.9 and 21.0.10

As a system administrator, you need to check incompatibilities between consecutive versions before upgrading your system. Check the compatibility matrix to find the relevant information on supported versions, setup, or prerequisites. For more information, see Compatibility Information.

The tables below list new features that might lead to compatibility issues or should be taken care of when upgrading; they do not list all new features of this AE version. New features are described in full in the Release Highlights and Release Notes.

More information:

To provide a better overview, the tables are categorized by the severity of the issue. There are three different categories:

  • Critical: Issues that must be addressed, otherwise the system will not work
  • Behavior change: Functionality changes in existing features that might have an impact on your system
  • Advisory: Different issues you should be aware of but might not have an impact on your system

The columns display the following information:

  • Topic: Name of the general topic or new feature
  • Changed behavior: What has been changed
  • Possible incompatibilities: Impact the change may have
  • Actions/Countermeasures: What can be done to identify and/or remove possible incompatibilities

This page includes the following:

Compatibility Issues

Automic Automation



Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages (32 and 64 bit) Version update to the minimum version 14.38.33130. In Windows system, components such as Agents or the Service Manager do not start Make sure that the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages are updated to the minimum version 14.38.33130.

Behavior Change


Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


New x64 Linux and Windows Java-based Agents New Agents require a Java runtime environment These Agents require Java version 11 or higher and will not work with Java 1.8 Make sure you have the correct Java version installed.
New x64 Linux and Windows Java-based Agents

Passwords (keyPassword parameter of the [AUTHORIZATION] section of the INI file) are not obfuscated automatically when specified in clear text.

Passwords must be obfuscated manually. Make sure you use the Utility to obfuscate the passwords. For more information, see Obfuscating Passwords
CAU packages for x64 Linux and Windows Agents

This version of Automic Automation includes two versions of the x64 Linux and Windows Agents: one OS native and one Java-based Agent.

Therefore, there are two different CAU packs available for download. The respective pack name distinguishes them clearly.

If you want to keep using an OS native x64 Linux or Windows Agent after an upgrade, do not download the CAU pack for the corresponding x64 Java-based version; otherwise you would convert your OS native Agent to a Java-based one.

The same applies when downloading Agents from the Process Assembly or the Administration perspective in AWI.

Make sure you download the correct one to avoid any issues.

For more information, see Centralized Agent Upgrade (CAU) and Adding and Configuring Agents.

Java-based x64 Linux Agents Job execution and folder permission

When perform in-place upgrade of an OS Agent to a Java-based OS Agent, make sure that the permissions of the folder ./security are set correctly so that the user who executes the Agent has full access (R+W). Additionally, the user must have execute permission for all Agent's binaries.

During a manual upgrade of an OS Agent to a Java-based Agent no JOBS should be executed. Make sure no job is running when shutting down the "old" Agent.

  • Adapt permissions for folder and binary files

  • Make sure that no job is executed before manually upgrading the Agent

For more information, see Installing the Agent for x64 Linux (Java).




Changed Behavior

Possible Incompatibilities


General DB change

Note: Information and the checking instructions apply to all versions, between your existing installation and the latest you want to upgrade to, respectively.

The DB scheme/structure has been changed. Custom SQL queries on AE DB do not work anymore.
  • Check and adapt relevant SQL/SQLI/SQLJOBS objects accordingly
  • Check and adapt relevant DB queries used in external tools/programs
Sending secure emails with x64 Linux and Windows Java-based Agents

You can configure a secure mode (TLS/SSL) to send emails using the new x64 Linux and Windows Java-based Agents. The corresponding certificates must also be included.

The SEND_MAIL script function has been enhanced with a variable that allows you to define the mail server connection parameters.

There are different ports on firewalls that must be opened to allow TLS/SSL communication between the Agent and the email server. Make sure the connection to the email server is configured properly (name, port, protocol, certificates, and so on).