The BW_ACTIVATE_INFOPACKAGE script element schedules one or more InfoPackages so that they start immediately. For this purpose, the related InfoPackage must not yet have been scheduled.

Note: If you use BW 7.x DataSources and Transformation Services (as of SAP NetWeaver 04s), you must transfer the data after you have loaded it. Define the suitable process chains in your BW and handle them with the BW_ACTIVATE_CHAIN script element.

Transaction: RSA1





    Schedules one or more InfoPackages so that they start immediately

  • NAME=
    (Optional) Technical name of an InfoPackage
    Format: script literal
    • You can retrieve the technical name of the InfoPackage by using BW_GET_INFOPACKAGES. The script element stays active until the loading job in SAP BW has ended. The AE job aborts if the loading job does not end normally.
    • If you do not specify this parameter, you can schedule several InfoPackages for immediate start.
  • ERROR= 
    (Optional) Specifies the reaction of the AE if the InfoPackage ends abnormally
    Format: script literal
    Allowed values:
    • ABEND (default)
      The script aborts, the
      AE job ends abnormally.
    • IGNORE
      The script continues, the AE job ends normally.
    (Optional) Specifies the reaction of the AE if the InfoPackage cannot be found.
    Format: script literal
    Allowed values:
    • NORMAL (default)
      The script continues, the AE job ends normally
    • ABEND
      The script aborts, the AE job ends abnormally.
    (Optional) Maximum time in seconds during which the scheduled InfoPackages are monitored.
    Format: number
    Default: 86400
    Note: Use this parameter if InfoPackages are manually set to the quality status Y (yellow) in the administrator workbench. You can avoid that the AE job that has scheduled them never ends. Use ERROR= if MAXRUNTIME= is exceeded to define whether the AE job should abort or continue.
  • LOG=
    (Optional) This value determines whether log messages of InfoPackages should be included in the job report.
    Allowed values:
    • NO (default)
      The job report does not include log messages of InfoPackages.
    • YES
      Log messages are included in the job report


The first example schedules an InfoPackage for its immediate start. The waiting time for the request ends after a maximum of one hour.


The second example selects all InfoPackages whose long text includes "AE:*Text*". Afterwards, the InfoPackages are scheduled for immediate start. Each error that occurs should cause the AE job to abort.