Integration Options for Service Orchestration

The Automic Automation solution provides extensive integration capabilities. These include both targeted out-of-the-box offerings and agnostic integration solutions. This strength in integrations makes it possible to create workflows that execute across diverse domains, data sources, applications, and other components in your IT landscape.

This topic describes the general categories of integration options, gives some key examples, and points you to where you can find more information. This topic does not provide an exhaustive list of integration options. There are too many to list here, and new integrations for the Automic system are being built and released continuously.

This page includes the following:

A Critical Advantage

Because of the enormous number of integration options that Automic Automation provides, you can immediately start to build complex orchestration workflows with the systems and components that you currently use. There is no need to rip and replace any of your components.

System-agnostic Integrations

Automic Automation supports standard communication protocols, such as REST and SOAP, to enable you to pass data between Automic Automation and an external system that supports the technology.

As REST has become an industry standard and a communication best practice, Automic offers a growing number of endpoints that enable authenticated access to Automic objects. For example, you can trigger a Workflow in Automic Automation from an external system by posting a call to start an executable object in which you can also pass the values for the PromptSet parameters for the execution. For more information, see REST API.

Note: For SOAP integrations, download the related action pack from our marketplace at

Marketplace for Out-of-the-Box Add-ons

The Automic system offers hundreds of out-of-the-box integrations available for download with a valid CA/Broadcom account on our marketplace at . These integrations come in the form of:

  • Plugins for external products to be able to integrate with us
  • Action packs that provide bundles objects already configured with targeted functionality
  • Extensions that enable you to access other domains or applications of all kinds

We build, test and continuously release new integrations.

Our marketplace is also a platform for our user and business-partner community to share action packs that they have created for specific needs. You can take advantage of their experiences and efforts, as well as contribute your own action pack solutions.

Check our marketplace regularly, also between releases, to see what new add-ons CA Automic or our community have uploaded.

Integration with ITSM Tools

Automic provides plug-ins that enable seamless integration with some IT service management (ITSM) tools.

The following are the out-of-the-box integrations that allow you to automatically trigger service fulfillment Workflows when a user requests an offering from a service catalog in the tool:

  • The ServiceNow Service Connector
  • The CA Service Catalog Plug‑in

These are available for download on our marketplace at Documentation for the plugins are provided with the downloads.

Integration with Provisioning Tools

Several custom extensions and action packs support provisioning on cloud servers, for example:

  • Action packs for VMSphere VMware
  • Action packs for Docker

These are available for download on our marketplace at

Integrations for Targeted Systems

Automic also provides integrations for a number of targeted systems, such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and Websphere. For a full list of targeted systems and links to information about each, see AE and Targeted Systems.

Platform Integrations

You have many ways to integrate data or application executions on other platforms than the one on which your Automic Automation is physically located. These can be on-premises or in the cloud. For example:

  • Define tasks for either Windows or Linux operating systems using actions that offer alternative actions
  • Access Oracle RAC database servers
  • Access Oracle Weblogic domains
  • Provision environments on cloud portals such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Azure
  • And more

You find cloud integrations intergrations in related action packs for download on our marketplace at Many action packs provide a specific solution on a specific platform Some are already loaded when you installed Automic Automation with the ONE Installer.