Use the LOAD_PROCESS script function to load a data sequence that is stored in the AE database using the SAVE_PROCESS script function, and makes the task available. Stored data sequences can be loaded and used several times by any tasks.

Tip: SAVE_PROCESS stores the data sequence, but does not close it. You must close the data sequence with the CLOSE_PROCESS script function. For more information, see :CLOSE_PROCESS.




    Loads a stored data sequence
  • RunID
    Defines the RunID of the task that was used to store the data sequence that should be loaded.
    Format: A number without quotation marks, script literal or script variable
  • Key
    The internal name that was used to store the data sequence in the database).
    Format: AE name, script literal or script variable
    Note: The Key is the return code of the SAVE_PROCESS script function.

Return code: This script function returns the reference to the stored data sequence.


For examples, see SAVE_PROCESS.

See also: