The :PROCESS and :END PROCESS script statements define the beginning and end of a loop for processing a data sequence line by line. Data sequences are contents of a sequential file, or the text result of a command. A new line is read in each cycle until the loop finishes or is explicitly terminated with the :TERM_PROCESS statement.

Important! An empty data sequence means that the processing in the loop (between the :PROCESS and :ENDPROCESS statements) is not performed. You do not receive an error message.

Note: To reuse the script variable that contains the data sequence reference, discard the data sequence with the :CLOSE_PROCESS script statement before you assign a new value to the script variable.

Tip: Use the GET_PROCESS_LINE script function to retrieve the content of a particular line in the process.

Use the following script functions to create data sequences:


:PROCESS Data sequence reference


    Begins the processing loop

  • Data sequence reference
    Reference to the data sequence to process

  • Statement
    (Optional) One or more script statements that are processed during every cycle

    Exits the processing loop

    Ends the processing loop

    Discards the data sequence
    For more information, see :CLOSE_PROCESS.


The following example retrieves the directories of a disk drive and writes the results to the activation report. This script includes a condition that terminates the loop if the &USER# script variable has a particular value.

:    IF &USER# = "TSOS" 

See also: