Use the SYS_SERVER_ALIVE script function to check if a particular server process is active.

Note: This script statement writes all open transactions of the script to the AE database. For more information, see Script Processing.


SYS_SERVER_ALIVE (Server process)


    Checks the status of a server process

  • Server process
    Name of the server process that you want to check
    Format: script literal or script variable

Return Codes

The script function has the following return codes:

  • Y
    The server process is active
  • N
    The server process is inactive
  • 20349
    The server process does not exist

Tip: Use the :ON_ERROR script statement to define action to take if the server process is not active. For more information, see Script Elements for Error Handling.


The following script checks if a work process called AE#WP005 is active. If the work process is not active, the system sends a message to an administrator.

SEND_MSG "ADMIN","AE","Work process AE#WP005 is not active!"

See also: