Configuring AWI's Appearance

AWI is delivered with default theme colors and a logo that you can customize. In on-prem installations you configure all these settings directly in AWI. In AAKE installations you define the color directly in AWI too but you configure the logo in a different way.

As a system administrator, you customize the AWI colors and logo in Client 0. These settings apply to all the Clients in your system.

Important: Broadcom prioritizes a culture of inclusion and diversity. AWI's default color scheme provides accessible color contrast. If you customize it, we strongly recommend that you select a color combination that provides the appropriate contrast ratio to ensure accessibility.

This page includes the following:

Customizing AWI's Colors

(For both on-prem and AAKE installations)

  1. In the Administration perspective go to AWI Management > Theming.

  2. In Theme Color Configuration specify the colors to be applied system-wide. You can select one of the colors provided in the dropdown lists or you can add and then select a new color:

    • Theme Color

      Color that underlines or encircles the area or interactive UI element that is currently active. For example, the underline that indicates that a perspective is in focus, the lines that encircle a selected checkbox, button, input field, etc.

      AWI's Default Color is selected when you first install AWI. If you keep it, Selection Color and Text Selection Color display Autogenerate. This means that AWI automatically calculates and applies a different nuance of the default theme color to the selection and text selection colors. The autogenerated colors ensure that the resulting color contrast ratio is compliant with accessibility requirements.

    • Selection Color

      Background color of the selected UI element.

    • Text Selection Color

      Color of the text of the selected UI element.

    • Connection Colors

      Users that have rights to work on different Clients can open multiple connections to the Automation Engine from within the Client that they are currently logged into. For example, as an administrators you can use this possibility to configure, maintain or monitor several Clients simultaneously.

      When logging in to a Client, it is possible to select a connection color. This color is used in the horizontal bar at the top of the page and in the icon in the browser tab. All windows and tabs that belong to a connection use the same color (the connection color).

      This field contains is the list of connection colors that the user can select by default from the Connection Color dropdown list on the log in dialog. You can extend this list by entering the hexadecimal/HTML codes for the set of colors that you want to add.

Important! You can configure AWI's theme color here or in the configuration file. The AWI Theming page and the file are synchronized. This means that any change on this page will be reflected in the and vice versa.

For more information, see - Configuring the Color Scheme.

Customizing AWI's Logo in On-Prem Systems

You can set the custom logo either through the user interface of through environment variables.

Configuring the Logo Through AWI

  1. In Client 0, open the Administration perspective and go to AWI Management > Theming.

  2. In Theme Logo Configuration do one the following:

    • Select the Default Logo option to use the default CA Automic logo.
    • Select the Custom Logo option to upload and use your own logo:
      • Click the arrow symbol.
      • Open the desired image file and confirm.

      Tip: Use a PNG file no larger than 96 px wide and 70 px high.

      With custom logos you can specify a background color logo. Select Dark or White in the drop down beside Background Color. The drop down is grayed out if you have selected the default logo option.

Configuring the Logo Using Environment Variables

  1. Specify the image by adding and configuring one of the following variables:


      Use this variable to set the image by providing the corresponding text in BASE64 format.


      Add this variable and specify the logo file name and its location.

  2. Specify the MIME type.

    Add and configure AUTOMIC_LOGO_MIMETYPE variable for image types other than .PNG.

Customizing AWI's Logo in AAKE Systems

In AAKE systems you set the logo using environment variables. For details about how to configure it, see Configuring Container-Based Systems.

See also:

Connection Color