
generate task at activation,activation,activation stage,execution stages,execution steps

Executable objects go through four stages during execution. The first one is the activation stage, which is a preparatory step in the execution process.

During the activation stage very few things happen. This list outlines them:

  1. The activation starts.

  2. The object gets a runID. If the object is a Workflow, all its tasks are also activated and they get their runIDs.

  3. The task is available and visible in the Process Monitoring perspective.

The following diagram illustrates the steps that a task undergoes during activation:

Graphic that illustrates the sequence of actions that occur during activation.

Ways of Activating Objects

generate task at activation,activation,activation stage,execution stages,execution steps

There are multiple ways of activating objects:

  • Through Workflows

  • Through Schedules

  • Using the Execute Recurring option

  • Through Job Groups

  • Using script elements such as ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT or RESTART_UC_OBJECT

  • Through object configuration. Objects can be configured to activate in reaction to specified conditions.

Next Stage

When the activation stage has finished, the task enters the Generation stage.

See also: