Use the :REMOVE_ATT script statement in the Process page of Notifications to remove recipients at runtime. It removes the specified users, user groups, or email addresses from the list of responsible recipients. For more information, see Notification (CALL).

The specified recipients are not permanently deleted as this script statement does not change the Notification object. The modification only applies to a particular execution.


  • Ensure you do not remove all responsible recipients when using wildcard characters.  Otherwise, script processing aborts, and an error message is generated.
  • Define users in the format User name/Department and the definition must comply with the name of the User object. The script aborts if the user cannot be found.
  • Use the report to verify which recipients you have removed with this script statement.




    Removes recipients from a Notification at runtime
    Name of the attribute that should be removed
    Format: AE name, script literal or script variable
    Allowed value: "RECIPIENT"
  • Name
    Name of a user, user group or email address
    Format: script literal, script variable or number
    In User and User Group objects, you can use the * and ? wildcard characters where * refers to any number of characters and ? refers to exactly one character.


The following example removes the user "BU/AE" from the list of responsible recipients of a Notification.


The second example removes all users of the department "AE".


The user group "ADMIN" is removed in the following example:


See also: