Use the SEND_MAIL script function to send an email to a user. This script function does not verify whether the specified receiver actually exists. The message is sent even if the receiver is not correct. If the email cannot be sent because the attachment cannot be found or the email connection is not active, script processing continues by default. In this case, this script function returns the corresponding return code.
- To be able to send emails, you must have configured the email connection, see Setting Up Email Connections.
- This script function always sends emails either through the specified agent or the Automation Engine. Therefore, the files that should be attached must be accessible through the agent or the Automation Engine either directly or through a UNC path.
- This script function writes all open transactions of the script to the AE database. For more information, see Script Processing.
Tip: Use the :ON_ERROR script statement to define actions that should take place if the email cannot be sent successfully. For more information, see Script Elements for Error Handling
SEND_MAIL (Receiver, [Cc], Subject, Text[, Attachment][, Agent][, Login]), [MYSERVER])
Sends an email to a user -
The address(es) to which the message should be sent
Format: script literal or script variable
Maximum length: 255 characters -
(Optional) The person that should receive a copy of this message
Format: script literal or script variable
Default value: ""
Maximum length: 255 characters -
Short description of the message
Format: script literal or script variable
Maximum length: 255 characters -
Message text
Format: script literal or script variable -
(Optional) Path and name of the files that should be sent as an attachment. Separate the individual paths with a semicolon (;) if you want to send several files.
Format: script literal or script variable
Default value: "" -
(Optional) Specifies the agent that should be used for sending the email message(s). If you do not specify this parameter, the default value is used. The system searches for client-wide settings that are defined in the SEND_MAIL_DEFAULT key of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable. If this key is not defined, the email is sent by through the Automation Engine. For more information, see SEND_MAIL_DEFAULT and UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings.
Use one of the following values:- Fixed string *DEFAULT (default)
- Fixed string *SERVER. Use this string to force that the email is sent by the AE/server even if you set a central Agent/Login in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable.
- Name of the Agent object.
Important!- The specified agent and the Automation Engine system must have the same version.
- This parameter only works with Java-based OS agents.
- Login
(Optional) Specifies the Login object that is used to access the email attachment(s). If you do not specify this parameter, the default value is used. The system searches for client-wide settings that are defined in the SEND_MAIL_DEFAULT key of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable. If this key is not defined, the email is sent by through the Automation Engine. For more information, see SEND_MAIL_DEFAULT and UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings.
Important!- The Login object used must have an entry with the type MAIL.
- This parameter is mandatory combined with the Agent parameter.
- You must have access rights to the files you want to send as attachments.
- This parameter is ignored if the Agent parameter *SERVER is used. In this case, no Login object is required.
Value: Name of the Login object
(Optional) Allows you to define a specific SMTP server to which you want to send an email. To use this parameter, make sure that you have defined a UC_SMTP_MYSERVER static variable for each SMTP server and that each variable covers all the SMTP parameters required. The server name defined here and in the variable must match, see UC_SMTP_MYSERVER - SMTP Variable
Return Codes
Email was sent successfully -
There is no active host with email connection -
The SMTP server returned an error code - 50007
SMTP server '&02' has rejected the E-mail recipient: '&01' -
Timeout - SMTP Server '&02' did not answer within '&01' seconds - 50013
Error when reading attachment file '&01' error code: canRead()==false, error description: Cannot read file. -
Attachment does not exist -
Authentication on the SMTP Server failed -
The receiver address is not valid. Therefore, the SMTP Server has rejected it. -
The SMTP client cannot connect to the SMTP Server -
Error in socket creation -
Host information of the SMTP Server could not be retrieved# -
The SMTP client cannot communicate with the SMTP Server anymore -
The SMTP client cannot receive data from the SMTP Server -
Data cannot be sent to the SMTP Server -
Windows sockets cannot be initialized -
Host name of the local computer cannot be retrieved - 50037
SMTP Server '&02' replied with Error '&01' -
The setting '&01' you are searching for was not found
The following example sends an email to exactly one user, the cc parameter is not used. One file is attached to this email.
:SET &OUT# = SEND_MAIL('',,'Meeting','Meeting today at 5pm', '/AE/agenda')
An email that includes two attachments is sent to several persons:
:SET &OUT# = SEND_MAIL(";",,"Meeting","Meeting canceled","c:\AUTOMIC\agenda.doc;c:\AUTOMIC\dates.txt"
The following example includes an SMTP mail server definition to which you send your email. The agent parameter is set to &AGENT# and refers to an agent called JAVAOSAGENT. Therefore, the SEND_MAIL command is sent through the JAVAOSAGENT if available. The last parameter is set to &SMTP_SERVER# and refers to LOCALHOST. Thus, the system uses the UC_SMTP_LOCALHOST static variable to get information on email settings such as SMTP_TIMEOUT, SMTPS_CERT, etc. If this variable does not include the required settings, the ones of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable are used.
:SET &CC# = ""
:SET &SUBJECT# = "Update on meeting"
:SET &MAILBODY# = "Hello everyone, today's meeting is canceled. Kind regards"
:SET &ATTACHMENT# = "C:\Demo\Broadcom_Ltd_Logo.svg"
See also: