SAP Interfaces

Agents communicate with the SAP system via SAP Java Connector, which is based on RFC (Remote Function Call). SAP function modules are called in this process.

The Agent uses following SAP standard interfaces:

  • BC-XMB (eXternal Monitoring Basics)
  • BC-XAL (eXternal ALerting)
  • BC-XBP (eXternal Batch Processing) *)
  • BC-XMW (eXternal Monitoring Write)
  • BW-STA (Business Warehouse - data STAging)
  • SM-SE (Solution Manager Scheduling Enabler)
  • JXBP (eXternal Batch Processing for Java jobs)

*) The interface capabilities are dependent on its version which can be configured with the SAP ABAP program INITXBP2. For example usage of job interception and parent child relationship is dependent on XBP 2.0.


  • In order to be able to us all SAP functions it is required you use XBP 3.0.

  • All interfaces (except BW-STA and JXBP) are part of the SAP ABAP Stack components SAP_BASIS and SAP_ABA. Hence the Automation Engine supports ALL SAP Solutions which require that components. This is for example all SAP NetWeaver Versions, SAP ERP, SAP CRM, etc.

  • The BC-XBP interface version is not relevant for the Kernel version. SAP ensures compatibility by supporting a particular number of new Kernel versions that still support the old interface when a new interface version is released.

  • The SAP Standard interfaces are capable of features which are sufficient for almost every use case. However, some use cases cannot be covered. For example the BC_XBP interface is not capable of reprinting a spool list by passing the spool id only. That’s why the feature set of the SAP Standard interfaces can be extended with SAP function modules delivered from CA Automic (/SBB/ address space). The usage of that extension must be configured within the connection object and requires the /SBB/ ABAP code to be imported into the corresponding SAP System.
    It is recommended to enable the CA Automic Extension only if really required.

Following features require the CA Automic Extension to be enabled:

  • R3_GET_APPLICATIONLOG Application log get list of lognumbers
  • R3_GET_SESSIONS Select list of sessions from APQI
  • R3_CALL_TRANSACTION Call Transaction
  • R3_RAISE_EVENT Raise event with target server specification
  • R3_GET_JOBLOG Read a joblog
  • R3_SWITCH_OPMODE Change Operation Mode
  • R3_CREATE_OUTPUT_REQUEST Create an Output Request to a spool list
  • R3_GET_JOB_SPOOL Read a spool list by spool id
  • R3_GET_SPOOLREQUESTS select spool lists
  • R3_SEND_SPOOL_REQUEST send a spool list to an SAP office receiver

Transporting the CA Automic Extension

In order to take advantage of the functionality of the AE interface, function modules must be transported to the SAP system.

Function modules are developed as ABAP development objects. These components are supplied with the "Correction & Transport System" package of the SAP System:

  • KNNNNNN.SID nformation file, for example K000043.EC2
  • RNNNNNN.SID data file, for example R000043.EC2
  • ENNNNNN.txt export protocol, for example E000043.txt

Name ranges are transported along with function modules in separate transport requests. A list of all currently valid transport requests is found in the file TRANSPRT.TXT. All transports must take place when a new installation is made. With an update installation, it is only the function modules (AE interface) because there is no change of the name ranges.

Note: Throughout this document, the following codes are used:

  • NNNNNN for the transport job number of the delivery system and
  • SID for the system names of the delivery system.

File Names

SAP can be installed in various environments (UNIX, Windows...). Therefore, it is important to consider the specific features of the system when you name the files.

Note: In this document, the file names that refer to an SAP environment are written in UNIX language ("/"). For Windows environments, the names are the same with the exception that they use a "\" character.

Importing Function Modules in SAP

If the functionality of the AE interface is used, function modules must be transported to the SAP system.


The transport system must be properly installed and set. This takes place during the installation of the SAP system.


Import the supplied transport files to the SAP transport environment:

  1. On the SAP computer, change to the appropriate subdirectory (for the SAP version) in IMAGE:Agents\sap\_trans.
  2. Copy the files from there to the following directory:
  3. KNNNNNN.SID to /usr/sap/trans/cofiles

    RNNNNNN.SID to /usr/sap/trans/data

Importing the delivery into the SAP system:

  1. Use the SAP GUI to log on to client 000 with an SAP admin user.
  2. Go to transaction stms and open the Import Overview.
  3. Open the queue for the SAP system.
  4. Select Extras – Other Requests – Add.
  5. Enter the name of the transport request and click ok.
  6. Select Import Request and switch to the Options tab.
  7. Select “Ignore Invalid Component Version” and start the import. The return code RC should not be higher than 4 (Warnings occurred).

Testing the Extension with ABAP Workbench

The Extension generally can be tested with the SAP GUI using Transaction SE37 and the /SBB/UC4_JOB_READ_LOG or /SBB/UC4_EVENT_RAISE functions. For this an SAP Admin who understands the ABAP workbench and has development authorizations within SAP is required.