General Page
An object definition consists of several pages. As a developer and object designer, on the General page you define basic object properties, you apply custom values that you can later use for filtering and you specify certain reporting settings.
To Define the Object Properties on the General Page
In the Object Info section you can only change the following settings:
Optional. Short description that helps you recognize the object at a glance. Particularly important in Workflow objects because it can be displayed on the task boxes.
In executable objects only. Activate it if you want this object to be processed, otherwise its status is ENDED_INACTIVE_OBJECT (return code: 1925).
The History section provides read-only audit information about the object. More detailed information about the object revisions is available on its Version Management page.
Some of the fields in the Metadata section are not available for certain object types.
Archive Key 1/2
Freely definable keywords you assign to the object. Later on you can perform task searches or you can filter objects using them (for example, you can filter tasks by their archive keys in the Process Monitoring perspective). Archive keys are displayed in separate columns in various lists across the application.
You can type them here or you can select variables you have previously defined for this purpose. Alternatively, archive keys can be set or read with the following script elements:
:SET&second_archive_key#= GET_ATT(ARCHIVE_KEY2)
Internal Account
Free text, available for executable objects only. For example Cost Center, Department Identifier, etc.
Available for executable objects only. The custom attributes are filtering and grouping criteria. You can use the values you enter in the custom attributes as follows:
- To filter tasks in the Process Monitoring perspective
- In Service Level Objective objects (SLOs), they are the potential beneficiaries of the services monitored by the SLO object.
Custom attributes are defined by administrator users in the UC_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES variable when configuring the system.
To Define Custom Attributes
- Select a Key from the first drop-down list.
- Type a new Value or select an existing one from the list. The available values originate from a VARA reference object.
- Click Add. You must have selected values in both fields.
In the Extended Reports Section you define the reporting behavior of the object. This section is available for executable objects only.
The system has a comprehensive auditing functionality that includes the possibility to produce extended reports for executable objects in addition to the standard ones.
When configuring your system, the administrator can write specifications in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable that determine whether or not they should be created. If so, this variable also determines which reports should be created.
Here you define whether these settings should be applied to this object or if you want to overrule them:
The extended reports are created as defined in this variable
All extended reports
This option overrules the setting in the variable. For this object, all extended reports are generated, no matter what has been specified in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable
No extended reports
This option overrules the setting in the variable. For this object, no extended reports are generated, no matter what has been specified in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable.
- Save your changes.
See also: