Connecting to AWI, the JCP and REST Processes Using an Ingress
Using an ingress allows you to expose AWI, the REST and JCP endpoints, and the Install Operator service. By default, ingresses are not enabled (enabled: false) in the values.yaml file. For more information, see Preparing the Ingress and TLS/SSL Certificates.
This page includes the following:
Reaching the JCP and REST Endpoints
Since the TLS/SSL Agents, the TLS Gateway, and the CallAPIs for Java and SAP in AAKE establish a connection to an ingress / HTTPS load balancer, you have to make sure that it is reachable and that the required certificates are in place. The value defined in the JCP_ENDPOINT is the address that the Agent uses to connect to the ingress / load balancer. The endpoint is also the value defined in the connection= parameter on the [TCP/IP] section of the INI file of the respective TLS/SSL Agent and/or TLS Gateway.
More information:
TLS Gateway INI file
Reaching the Automic Web Interface
The Automic Web Interface uses TLS/SSL and WebSockets to secure the communication between the AWI browser and the web server within the cluster. Therefore, you have to make sure that the ingress / HTTPS load balancer to which the AWI browser connects is reachable and that the required certificates are in place.
Important! Be aware that the AWI ingress / HTTPS load balancer must support sticky sessions. For more information, see Setting Up the Load Balancer and Configure Proxies.
The specific configuration of your load balancer depends on the cloud provider services you use. For detailed information, please refer to the respective official documentation.
See also: