Use the SYS_USER_LNAME script function to retrieve the first and last name of the user who has started the task (for example, "John Smith"). The full name can be defined in the User object on the User page. For more information, see Defining Users You can start tasks manually, using the ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT script function, through Workflow objects or Schedule objects. For example, if the task in which the SYS_USER_LNAME script function is called belongs to a Schedule object, this script function retrieves the department of the user who started the Schedule object.

 Tip: You can also find information about the user in the execution lists. For more information, see Execution Data.



Return codes

This script function returns the first and the last name of the user. " " is returned if the name is not defined.


The following example retrieves the first and last names used for logging on using this script function and writes it to the activation report.

PRINT "Login information: User's first and last names are &LOGLN#."

See also: