AE DB Revision Report

You can use the AE DB Revision Report (ucybdbrr) utility to create chronologically structured revision reports out of the data that your AE systems log. For this purpose, you must have the OBJECT_AUDIT key of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable activated as it allows the system-internal logging of information about modified, imported, transported, or deleted objects, tasks that started or ended abnormally, and accesses of any kind.


  • If you have logging for revision reports activated in a client, you cannot add or remove users from a user group. In this case, you can directly add or remove them in the User object.

  • Activating logging for the revision report automatically activates Version Management, which is required when you compare objects. You cannot deactivate Version Management. For more information, see Version Management Page.

  • You can use the AE DB Reorg utility to reorganize revised data. See Object Audit Tab

  • If you do not use the AE DB Revision Report utility regularly and your data is not revised, make sure that you set the OBJECT_AUDIT key of the UC_UTILITY_REORG variable to FALSE as otherwise your data is reorganized when you run the AE DB Reorg utility. See OBJECT_AUDIT.

  • If the AE DB Revision Report utility does not run and you have set the UC_UTILITY_REORG variable to FALSE, check the database regularly so that the tablespaces/filegroups do not accumulate too much data, as this may result in a system standstill.

  • Once the utility runs, do not store the files in the AE or utility servers. Store them on a mapped drive, or zip them and move them away. Otherwise, these files fill up the files system at some point and might cause an outage.

  • You can also use UTF-8 when specifying the INI file name and path (-I).

This page includes the following:

Monitored Areas

The AE logs the following areas and you can store the relevant data in revision reports:

  • Objects that are created or renamed
    The details of objects that were created or renamed
  • Objects that are moved
    The source and target folder of the objects that were moved
  • Imported and transported objects
    Import and transportation times. Contents of the XML file and the transport files are not included in the revision report.
  • Task starts and restarts
    The start time which is the activation time
  • Modifications at runtime
    Changes made through monitors or concerning states, for example. Modified JCL is not written to the revision report. You can find it in the object report.
  • Tasks that abnormally
    Tasks that show an abnormal end
  • Objects that are deleted or restored
    The details of objects that were deleted or restored
  • Object modifications
    Changes of object definitions such as changed priorities or start types. The revision report includes the old and the new values in that it includes the part of the XML structure of the object that includes the changed attribute.
    Not logged are:
    • Changes that are made by using the AE script elements
    • Status changes of Sync objects
    • Contents of Variable objects,
    • Changes of Calendar objects
  • Accesses of any kind
    Access attempts to objects and folders, regardless of whether they are successful or represent access violations because of missing AE authorizations.
  • Important! You must activate the SECURITY_AUDIT_FAILURE and SECURITY_AUDIT_SUCCESS keys in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable for this purpose. For more information, see SECURITY Parameters.

  • User Logon/Logoff
    The times users log on to the system or off

How to Create a Revision Report

Start the AE DB Revision Report utility from the command line and define the parameters you require, such as the period, or the areas you want to monitor. Use the following syntax where the order of the parameters does not matter:

Note: You can also use UTF-8 when specifying the INI file name and path (-I).

UCYBDBRR -B -Cclient [-Farea -Ooutput file-D1start time-D2end time-X -A-IINI file-Llanguage]


All start time and runtime modifications of client 3 that take place between 1 April 2021, 20:00 (08:00 pm), and 2 April 2021, 06:30 am are output to the file C:\revision\report01.txt.

UCYBDBRR -B -C0003 -FSTART,RUN_MOD -OC:\revision\report01.txt -D120210401200000 -D220210402063000

-B and -C are required parameters, the other ones are optional. Default values are used for the non-specified parameters. For a list of all values including their descriptions, see Start Parameters - Utilities.

Error Codes

The AE DB Revision Report utility returns the following codes and messages, depending on the situation that has occurred:

  • 0
    The utility has successfully ended processing
  • 1
    Message U0036139
    An error occurred while loading INI-file settings
  • 2
    Message U0036138
    Error: Not possible to allocate memory for PCX.
  • 3
    Message U0021004
    Cannot find the INI file
  • 4
    Message U5005000
    No batch mode - please use the -B parameter
  • 5
    Message U5005001
    No client is defined
  • 6
    Message U0003301
    Could not allocate memory
  • 7
    Message U5005008
    Processing was canceled. Cannot open the output file.
  • 8
    Message U0036134
    Error: Cannot connect to AE source database.
  • 9
    Message U5005005
    Processing was canceled. The date definition is either invalid or does not have the correct format (YYYYMMDDhhmmss).
  • 10
    Message U5005012
    Processing was canceled. Versioning is in progress in client '&01'. Waiting for its end is not possible because the Automation Engine is not active.