Defining AWS Glue Job Properties

Processes in Automic Automation are combinations of individual steps that are linked to each other. Objects are entities that work together to form coherent automated sequences. As a developer and object designer, you create, edit and work with them in the Process Assembly perspective. Objects that are executing or have been executed are called tasks and they are visible in the Process Monitoring perspective, where you can access their history and monitors.

The different AWS Glue jobs are Automic Automation objects, therefore they represent one of these steps. As any other Automic Automation object, it consist of several definition pages. After adding a Job you start configuring it by defining the relevant attributes on its definition pages. Some of these pages are standard and available for all object types. Others are available for some object types only.

This topic describes how to add a new Job to your system. The rest of the topics in this section describe how to configure the Job on its definitions pages.

Adding Jobs

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Automic Web Interface, go to the Process Assembly perspective. It opens to the Explorer view that contains the list of jobs that are available to you in your system.

  2. You have two options:

    • Right-click anywhere on the list and select Add > Add Object.

    • Click the Add Object button on the toolbar On the Add Object dialog, start typing the type of object you want to create in the Search field.

  3. Click the Add button. The Object Name dialog is displayed.

  4. Enter a descriptive Name.

  5. Optionally, enter a short and descriptive Title that helps you recognize the purpose of the object.

  6. Click OK. A new page opens where you can start with the object definitions.

Next Steps

You configure the Job by entering parameters on the following object definition pages:

  1. AWS Glue.

    These are the Agent-specific parameters. For more information, see:

  2. RA

    On this page you specify where to store the job report. For more information, see Defining RA/ Integration Reports Properties.

  3. Optionally, enter additional configuration parameters on the Job common pages. For more information, see Defining Common Job Properties.

See also:

Setting Job Properties Through Scripts