Agent RA Core

Structure of the INI File ucxjcitx.ini

Parameter Name Description
name =

Name of the agent (or proxy agent)

The agent name is limited to 32 of the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, _, ., $, @, - and #.

Hyphens ("-") are only allowed in agent names. They must not be used in the names of any other objects.

The host name is used instead if this parameter remains undefined. Lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters.

Default: RA01

system =

AE system name

The name can consist of a maximum of 8 characters. Allowed are the upper-case letters A to Z, numbers and "_".

System names must not contain the character "_" if you use a z/OS agent in combination with the SMF technique. By default, the job Includes convert "_" to "#". Should you intend to use "_" despite of this fact, you can bypass this situation by specifying the system name in the Event Monitor with "#".

Default: AUTOMIC

language =

The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets.

if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken.


  • E: english
  • D: german
  • F: french

Default: (E,D)

logging =

Full file name pattern for log file names

$$ is replaced by the purpose of a Process (CP or WP or JWP or DBSERVICE). No replacements in other components

* is replaced by the 3 digit number of a Worker Process.

## is replaced by the log file sequence number after the existing log files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of the component.

z/OS components only:

If you comment this parameter, this log file is stored in JES. Also refer to the parameter logpurgeclass= which is described below.

The following parameters can be added if the log is written to a dataset (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons):

"recfm" = (all 27 z/OS plus * and A record formats are valid)

"lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen)

"blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760)

"space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory))

AE and Java components only:

Logging to standard output can be enabled by setting the value to CON:

For relative path indications the system uses the installation directory when creating files.

For BS2000/OSD Operation System the name may be specified with or without User ID. If without User ID the log file is written to the user ID under which the component has been started

Default: ../temp/ra_log_##.TXT

logCount =

number of log generations being kept on disk

Default: 10

helplib =

name of the message text library

may have different names dependent on platform rules.

Default: uc.msl

checkRegisteredfile =

This optional field is available for OEBS agents used in a multi node system with different operating systems.

In this case, this variable should be set to 0 and no check will be performed. Therefore, the RA agent can register files that may not be valid file names on the OS where the RA agent runs.


  • 0: Registered files are not checked.
  • 1: Registered files are checked.

Default: 1

max_logging_kb =

The maximum size of the log file in kilobytes.

A new log file is created when the size that you specify here has been reached.

The default value will be used when the value "0" is set.

Default: 10000

LogMaxSize =

The maximum size of the log file.

A new log file will be created when the limit that has been defined here is reached.

The default value will be used when you set the value "0".

You can use one of the following suffixes with this value:

k...kilo, M...mega, G...giga

Examples: 100k corresponds to 100 kilobytes, 20M to 20 megabytes and 1G to 1 gigabyte.

The parameter "max_logging_kb" is used for log-file changes if this parameter is not specified or the value is "0".


file =

The path and the file name of the trace file.

Any file name for a text file with several place holders for current system information:

$$ is replaced by server process type (WP or CP) in the context of a server process.

* is replaced by the three-digit process number in the context of a server process.

## is replaced by 00 after the available trace files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of a trace.

xxx is replaced by the three-digit abbreviation of the respective unix version (unix agent only).

z/OS components only:

The following parameters can be added (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons) if the log is written to a dataset:

"recfm" = (all 27 record formats of z/OS plus * and A are valid)

"lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen)

"blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760)

"space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory))

AE and Java components only:

Tracing to standard output can be enabled by setting the value to CON:

Currently the External Monitoring Interface (EMI) does not produce any trace regardless of the settings here.

For BS2000/OSD the name might be specified with or without user ID. If without the trace file is written to the user ID under which the component has been started.

Default: ..\temp\ra_trace_##.txt

trccount =

Number of stored trace generations

Default: 10

TraceMaxSize =

The maximum size of the trace file.

A new trace file will be created when the limit that has been defined here is reached.

You can use one of the following suffixes with this value:

k...kilo, M...mega, G...giga

Examples: 100k corresponds to 100 kilobytes, 20M to 20 megabytes and 1G to 1 gigabyte.


tcp/ip =


Default: 0

ra =

Trace flag of the Rapid Automation agent

Allowed values: "0" (default value) to "12"


  • 0: Rapid Automation trace-file writing is deactivated.
  • 1..9: Rapid Automation trace-file writing is activated at the specified level. "1" is the lowest level, "9" is full trace.
  • 10..12: Full trace is set, additionally third-party library trace is set if it exists. The Web Service agent has third-party trace.

Default: 0

[ TCP/IP ]
connection =

Connection Parameter: Address of the endpoint used to connect to the AE system.

Allowed formats:

DNS Name:Port number

TCP/IP Address:Port number

Default: jcphost:8443

bindAddr =

IP address the component uses to connect.

Use this parameter if the connection should be established via a particular IP address (for example, the computer has more than one network interface card).

Alternately, you can also specify the IP address or host name in PORT= (Format: PORT=IP address:port or DNS name:port). Specifications made in BINDADDR= are then ignored.

In a distributed server environment, this value must be adapted with a valid IP address that is available to that specific host.


connect =

The time interval in seconds for the reestablishment of connections after a loss of connection.

For the Automation Engine: reconnect between Server Processes

For Agents: reconnect to the Engine. Reconnecting starts after an initial successful network connection to the AE system. The agent stops if it cannot reach the AE system on the first start.

For the zOS Event Monitor: reconnect to the Agent

For the Proxy: reconnect to Automation Engine or Server Proxy

For Agents: This parameter is only effective until the first successful logon to the AE system. Afterwards, you can use the parameter RECONNECT_TIME in the host characteristics.

For z/OS Event Monitor: The Console command "MODIFY ..., EX=<addr>,:<port> serves to facilitate a new connection immediately. In this case, the attempt to re-connect to the specified agent is made immediately. A reconnection is established, even if the Event Monitor already has a connection to another agent. A new connection is then established. The old connection is ended if the new connection has successfully been established.

Default: 20

initialPackage =

The name and the path of the file that includes the authentication package (company-key file).

This parameter must be specified if you use the authentication methods "Server" or "Server and Agent". Authentication will not succeed if the company-key file is missing.

When the agent starts, it reads the company-key file. The file is deleted after successful authentication.


trustedCertFolder =

The path to the folder where additional trusted certificates are stored (optional). Certificates must be PEM encoded.


trustedCertFolderOnly =

Enables pinning of JCP certificates

If configured, the expected X509 certificates of JCPs must be placed in the trustedCertFolder, other CAs on the system are ignored.

It is possible to pin the root CA, intermediate CA or a leaf certificate.

Only available for Java based components, other Unix agents ignore this parameter.


  • 0: JCP certificate validation uses CAs of the operating system, JVM (cacerts) and trustedCertFolder
  • 1: JCP certificate validation uses only the content of trustedCertFolder

Default: 0

agentSecurityFolder =

The path to the folder where the agent can store security related files needed for authentication. E.g., private key, signed certificate, root certificate.

If the folder does not exist, it will be created when the agent starts for the first time. The folder should not be deleted, renamed or moved.

Default: ./security

keyPassword =

The password used to encrypt the agent's private key.

The password can be obfuscated using the UCYBCRYP utility.

A random password will be generated at runtime if this is left empty.


[ RA ]
cache_Directory =

Directory to which the agent should cache the RA Solutions.

Default: cache

lib_Directory =

Directory that contains external libraries that are not part of the solution (such as ojdbc6.jar)

Default: lib

reportPadding =

determines the number of spaces padded between time stamp and content in a report.


  • 0..9: number of blank spaces

Default: 8

[ VARIABLES ] This section contains the agent variables that include agent settings and information.

Role of the Agent, which is the name that can be used as a filter in Agent groups.



Suffix part of the UC_HOSTCHAR_<SUFFIX> variable which contains specific agent settings.

Default: DEFAULT


Path to Agent binaries

Default: .


Path to which the Agent writes job reports

Default: ..\temp


Directory in which the agent stores generated jobs on a temporary basis

Default: ..\temp


The reference to Includes that are used when the job is generated. (JCL Variant)

These are generally the Includes HEADER.*, TRAILER.* and RESTART.* of the system client 0000. User-defined Includes can also be used.

Default: RA

[ JCPLIST ] This section is self-maintained and contains port-to-host mappings of either all available Java communication processes or TLS-Gateways depending on the Agent's server connection setup.

When an Agent starts using the value defined in the connection= parameter, it receives a list of all JCPs available from the Automation Engine. On connection attempts from that point forward the agent will connect to a random JCP from the JCPLIST.

You can also use the JCP_ENDPOINT parameter in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable to define where to reach the JCPs. In this case, the Agent receives all entries from the JCP_ENDPOINT definition and stores the information in this section.

If the JCP_ENDPOINT points to the location of only one load balancer, the JCP sends this location to the connecting Agent. However, if the JCP_ENDPOINT points to more than one load balancer, the JCP sends the location of all the load balancers available to the connecting Agent.

Allowed formats:







JCP1 =

Example host name with TLS port

Default: uc4srv01:8443