Registering Output Files

The Output Search Pattern field and are registered as file system files and will be available on the report's Directory tab

When a Job completes, the Agent will search the directory specified in the JDE Output Directory field on the Agent Runtime Values sub-tab of the Agent definition and apply the Java regular expression found here to the files found in that directory. Any files that match will be registered and available for viewing in the Automation Engine. The default Java regular expression is: {REPORT}_.*_{JOBNBR}.*\.log$

This will register all files that start with the JDE report name, contain the JDE Job number, and end with .log. The backslash before the period is required to escape it, because it is a regular expression special character.

If the Output Search Pattern field is left blank no output search and registration will be done.

The variables that are available for replacement are {REPORT}, {VERSION}, {ENVIRONMENT}, {ROLE}, {QUEUE} and {JOBNBR}.

Output Search Pattern Text Case

Although file names are typically written in all uppercase, this field allows the case of the search to determine the results.

To register files Enter the variable For example Would Register

In all uppercase letters

In all uppercase


A file named ZJDE0001, but would not register a file named zjde0001

In all lowercase letters

In all lowercase


A file named zjde0001, but would not register a file named ZJDE0001

Without regard to case

In leading uppercase


Files named ZJDE0001, Zjde0001, and/or zjde0001

You can also use the Java regular expression (?i) at the beginning of the search to ignore case for all variables.

Below are some examples that you might find useful. For more information, see your Java documentation.

Example: Register Only .log Files (default)

Search Expression: {REPORT}_.*_{JOBNBR}.*\.log$

Meaning: The file name starts with the report name followed by an underscore and any number of characters, followed by an underscore and the JDE Job number, then any number of characters and ends with .log.

Example Return:


Example: Register .log or .xml Files

Search Expression: {REPORT}_.*_{JOBNBR}.*(\.xml|\.log)$

Meaning: The file name starts with the report name followed by an underscore and any number of characters, followed by an underscore and the JDE Job number, then any number of characters and ends with either .xml or .log.

Example Return:


Example: Register .logs or _PDF files

Search Expression: {REPORT}_.*_{JOBNBR}.*(_PDF|\.log)$

Meaning: The file name starts with the report name followed by an underscore and any number of characters, followed by an underscore and the JDE Job number, then any number of characters and ends with either _PDF or .log.

Example Return:


Example: Register .logs or _PDF file - ignore case

Search Expression: (?i){REPORT}_.*_{JOBNBR}.*(_PDF|\.log)$

Meaning: Same as the first example except the (?i) specifies ignore case for the entire regular expression.

Example Return:
