Dashboards (Thick Client)

The dashboard provides monitoring of Completed, Running, and Forecasted jobstream runs "rolled up" to the Business Area level.


The thick client is being gradually replaced with a new generation WebUI. The information here describes the functionality in the thick client.

Here’s how it works:

Imagine that you have a Business Area called, Finance. Within Finance, you have 25 jobstreams defined. The Business Area Rollup Dashboard will provide you with complete jobstream information for a user-specified interval of time (let’s say 12 hours). You’ll know at a glance how many jobstreams in Finance completed within the past 12 hours, and how many of those were early, late, or on time. You’ll also see how many jobstreams are currently running in Finance, and again, how many of those are running early, late, or predicted to be on time. And now, you can even see ahead to know which jobstreams are forecasted to run over some timeframe in the future. For more information, see Forecasting Jobstream Runs.

There is a drill-down feature as well, so you can quickly and easily click on late-running jobs in Finance and the flexible interface will automatically create a filtered tab allowing you to monitor those specific jobstreams. Need to drill down further? use the real-time Gantt chart view to bring up any number of jobstreams to compare and contrast historical views with current running views, or one jobstream with another.