Forecasting Jobstream Runs

Users have the capability to be able to see what jobstreams are scheduled to run in the future. On the Automation Analytics & Intelligence server-side, you can set a period of time to "look ahead" and that data will be captured and available for you to see in the Automation Analytics & Intelligence client.

On the client-side, you further have the capability to filter the forecast by setting a date/time horizon in the future within that period of time to display future jobstream runs. Additionally, there is a setting for viewing only the next scheduled jobstream run. For example, you may have 10 jobstreams that have completed in your Finance business during the last 24 hours, 25 jobstreams that are currently running in Finance, and 15 jobstreams that are scheduled to run in the next 12 hours. All of those statistics, and the ability to drill down to see the details are available for you to see at a glance.

See also:

Forecasting Logic