Included Scripts

This topic describes scripts that are included in your AAI installation.

This page includes the following:

This script runs a saved report and emails either the report or a link to the resulting report file to a list of recipients.

Run the script on Windows:

run lib\ report_name [email addresses]

Run the script on Unix:

/ lib/ report_name [email addresses]

Optional parameters:

  • -server: hostname for connecting to AAI; default: localhost
  • -port: port for connecting to AAI; default: 8080
  • -user: user for connecting to AAI
  • -password: password for connecting to AAI
  • -smtphost: mail server location; default: localhost
  • -f: name of a file containing recipient addresses, one per line.
  • -attach: [True or False] if 'False', the report is not attached to the email. If not 'False', and '-attach' is included, the report is attached to the email.
  • -output: filename to save the report to. The path to the file will be sent in the email.
  • -overwrite: [True or False] if 'True', the file is overwritten if it is already present. Otherwise, a number is appended to the name to create a unique name.

This script can turn monitoring and forecasting on and off for a jobstream, and change late criterion settings.

Run the script:

run [-jaws user:password@host][-m yes|no][-f yes|no][-d hh:mm |-t hh:mm[,days]]jobstream_name

Optional parameters:

  • -jaws: allows you to specify the user:password@host for the AAI server. If not specified, it defaults to admin:password@localhost
  • -m: yes if you want to set the jobstream to monitorable, no if you want to set it to not monitorable
  • -f: yes if you want to set the jobstream to forecastable, no if you want to set it to not forecastable
  • -d: a duration in hh:mm:ss format after which the jobstream will be considered late.
  • -t: a time of day in hh:mm:ss,days format after which the jobstream will be considered late.