Interactive Mode

It is also possible to use the command-line mode in an interactive way. Taking advantage of Jython's interactive mode, you can test commands one at a time. Start by running the script itself:

~$ /usr/local/Automation_Analytics_Intelligence/batch/


C:\Automation_Analytics_Intelligence\batch> run.bat -i lib/


The run.bat script automatically inserts the -i parameters when it is run without arguments. If you are using , you need to supply these details.

Either way, you get a brief welcome message, followed by a prompt at which you can type a command and get an immediate result. Lines beginning with ">>>" or "..." are prompts, all other lines are status and results:

JAWS Command Line Interface
Type "help()" for descriptions on the available commands.
To exit, type "exit()" or ^Z, return (windows) or ^D (otherwise).

>>> login()
Eval license, 29089 days remaining 
login as "admin"
done (0.0s elapsed)

>>> jobstreams()
['Predict4 Job 24', 'A Mkt Price 003']