Creating/Editing Custom Actions

Admin users can specify named actions in the Custom Actions item on the Administration tab. Custom actions are specified as an action string which is a URL containing properties of the job or jobstream. The usual create, update, and delete operations are supported. If an action is marked Requires Admin it will not be visible to non-admin users.

The list of Custom Actions is periodically refreshed (once every minute or so) so actions created by a different client should eventually become visible to all clients.

The action string supports parameter substitution where the parameters are properties of the job or jobstream. A list of available parameters can be brought up by pressing the Parms… button on the New/ Edit dialog. These parameters can be dragged or copied into the Action field. When the action is invoked (see below) these parameters will be substituted with the corresponding property of the selected job or jobstream.

Administration - New Custom Action

The context in which a custom action is applied determines which parameters can be used. Custom actions can be applied to both jobs and jobstreams. You can apply custom actions to a job, either within or outside of the context of a jobstream. When you select parameters for use in a custom action, you must choose what type of parameters to use by selecting the appropriate radio button:

  • Job Parameters - These are parameters pertaining to the job.

  • Jobstream Parameters - These are parameters pertaining to the jobstream, or to the Target Job of the jobstream.

  • Job in a Jobstream Parameters - These are parameters pertaining to the job or to the jobstream containing that job. These parameters consist of all Job Parameters and all Jobstream Parameters.

In addition, the user parameter is always available. It will be the username of the currently logged in AAI user.

When you edit an existing custom action, you will see that the appropriate radio button is selected automatically when the Custom Action Parameters dialog opens. If no radio button is selected and no parameters are displayed, then one of the parameters in the URL is not correct and should be changed to a recognized parameter.