Configuring Tidal (TES) Schedulers (Web UI)

{"URL":["/*.*/AddScheduler_TES"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_schedulers_configuring_Tidal","customCards":[{"id":"ice_schedulers_OfflineOnline","title":"Taking Offline/Putting Online","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Administration/Schedulers/admin_schedulers.htm","languages":["en-us"]},{"id":"ice_schedulers_deleting","title":"Deleting Schedulers","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Administration/Schedulers/admin_schedulers.htm","languages":["en-us"]}]}
add Tidal scheduler,Tidal integration

You can add TES schedulers either from the thick client or from the AAI Web UI. This topic explains how to add them from the Web UI.

When You add a new TES scheduler, AAI loads by default 14 days of history from the TES instance. You can change this default value in the Configuration Tool Params tab by changing the value in the parameter named tidal.sinceDaysForJammer under less commonly configured.

Adding a Tidal Scheduler

Configuring a scheduler involves defining the following:

  • Scheduler-specific parameters: Name, type, connector and time zone.

  • Connection data to the corresponding workload automation engine.

  • Intervals, periods and times that AAI will apply to retrieve data.

To Add a Tidal Scheduler

  1. Go to System and click the Add Scheduler button.

  2. Enter a descriptive Name that the people who will work with the data from this scheduler can easily recognize. The name must be unique in your system. The dialog to configure the scheduler is displayed.

  3. In Scheduler DBMS select the database type of the TES database.

  4. In Host name enter host name of the TES database.

  5. In Port enter the port that the TES database is on.

  6. In Database Name/Oracle Service Name enter the name of the TES database or Oracle Service Name.

  7. (Optional) In Default Time Zone enter the time zone where the c database is located.

  8. In User ID (with read access) enter the name of the user that has at least read access to the following tables:

    • evntmst
    • jobcls
    • jobdep
    • jobdtl
    • jobmst
    • jobrun
    • msglog
    • nodlstms
    • nodmst
    • nodout
    • owner
    • resjob
    • resmst
    • schmst
    • servicemst
    • sysval
    • usrmst
    • varmst

    If the database is Oracle, then there must also be synonyms for these tables

  9. Specify the Password.

  10. (Optional) In Timeout enter a JDBCsocket/read timeout in minutes different from the default of 0 (no timeout). Only use if needed under guidance from Tech Support.

  11. (Optional) Select Custom connection string to display and additional input field where you can enter a custom JDBC connection string.

  12. Click Test Connection. AAI checks the connection to he database and lets you know the result.

  13. Click Save Changes. The new scheduler is added to the list of already connected systems. Initially, its status is In Progress until the scheduler is completely connected to AAI.

Editing a Scheduler

  1. In the Schedulers list click the name of the scheduler.

  2. On the resulting dialog, click the Edit button to make the fields editable.

  3. This dialog provides the scheduler configuration data in two tabs, Monitoring Details and Connection Configuration, as you entered them when you added it. Makes your changes. For details about each field, see Adding a Scheduler .

Deleting a Scheduler

  1. In the Schedulers list select the scheduler that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete on the dialog that is displayed.

See also:
