Configuring IWS Schedulers (Thick Client)

This topic explains how you can add IWS schedulers on the AAI thick client.

AAI supports the following IBM Workload Schedulers:

  • IWSz, a mainframe system scheduler
  • IWSd, a distributed system scheduler

Alternatively, you can add IWSz schedulers on the AAI Web UI. For information, see Configuring IWSz Schedulers (Web UI).

This page includes the following:

Adding an IWSz Scheduler to AAI

When you add a scheduler in AAI for an IWSz instance that you want to integrate into your AAI installation, you must provide the specifications to enable the communication with and integration of that IWSz instance. The steps that follow describe the values that you must provide.

Prerequisite to defining a scheduler in AAI, the IWSz Server for AAI must have delivered a complete set of data files to the IWS Connector. For more information, see xxx.

To add an IWSz scheduler to AAI, start in the AAI thick client (AAI -Classic) and click the Admin tab to open the Administration area, and then select Schedulers from the navigation pane on the left. The list of defined schedulers that are configured for your instance of AAI appears.

Then use the following steps:

  1. On the Schedulers page, click the plus button (+) on the right above the list of schedulers.

  2. The New Scheduler window opens.

  3. Enter a Scheduler Name that is unique to your AAI installation.

  4. Select IWSz as the Scheduler Type.

  5. Click the IWSz radio button and then provide the following information:

    • Definition Path

      The complete path to the target directory on the IWS Connector server where the IWSz Server for AAI system delivers the two Definition Data files (defs and baseobjs). This must match the value specified in the Defn Data Path field of the IWSz Server for AAI Configuration Settings for the AAI Server. For information, see Configuring an Instance of the IWSz Server for AAI

    • Event Path

      The complete path to the target directory on the IWS Connector server where the IWSz Server for AAI system is delivering the Event Data file (event) and the two Current Plan Data files (cpop and tracklog). This must match the value specified the Event Data Path field of the IWSz Server for AAI Configuration Settings for the AAI Server. For information, see Configuring an Instance of the IWSz Server for AAI

    • IWS Connector API URL

      The URL of the Tomcat web application for the IWS Connector, in the following format


      This starts with http:// or https://, followed by the connector host (the IP address or DNS name of the IWS Connector server), a colon (:), the port number for the Tomcat web server for the connector, slash (/): and then the name of the connector (IBMWorkflowSchedulerConnector). For more information, see Installing the IWS Connector for AAI.

    • Default Calendar Name

      The name of an IWSz defined Default Calendar that will be used by AAI whenever an Application definition is found that does not have a Calendar associated with it.

    • Plan Extend Time(24:00)

      The daily time (using 24-hour clock time) when the Current Plan Extend job will normally be executed by IWSz to create a new Current Plan for the following 24-hour period.

    • Plan Extend From Time(24:00)

      The actual time that the Current Plan is specified to start from when the Extend process is executed. For example, the Current Plan Extend job may be set to execute at 17:00 to create a Current Plan that starts at 18:00. In this case the Plan Extend Time would be set to 17:00 and the Plan Extend From Time set to 18:00.

    • Date/Time Format

      The date and time format used as a suffix to the data files being delivered by the IWSz Server for AAI. This value must be left as Default which specifies a suffix of yyMMdd.HHmmss which is what theIWSz Server for AAI always uses.

    • TimeZone

      The timezone where the LPAR running the IWSz Subsystem is operating under. This ensures that times shown in AAI for applications and jobs run by this scheduler represent the actual times for that IWSz Subsystem and the LPAR it is executing on.


      The TimeZone drop down lists only the most common time zones. If the time zone that you need is not in this list, then select Show all time zones below the Time Zone field to open a list of all time zones worldwide and select your time zone from there.

  6. Click the Test Connection button to validate your entries.

  7. Only if the test succeeds, click the OK button. Otherwise, check and revise the values and try again.

Adding an IWSd Scheduler to AAI

To create an IWSd scheduler in AAI, start in the AAI thick client (AAI - Classic) and click the Admin tab to open the Administration area, and then select Schedulers from the navigation pane on the left. The list of defined schedulers that are configured for your AAI appears.

Then use the following steps:

  1. On the Schedulers page, click the plus button (+) on the right above the list of schedulers.

  2. The New Scheduler window opens.

  3. Enter a Scheduler Name that is unique to your AAI installation.

  4. Select IWSd as the Scheduler Type.

  5. Click the IWSd radio button and then provide the following information:

    Provide the details of the IWSd database that the IWS connector should read from to collect job definition and execution data:

    • Scheduler DBMS

      Select the database type of the IWSd database (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, or Sybase).

    • HostName:

      The host name of the IWSd database.

    • Port

      The port that the IWSd database is on.

    • Database Name (for DB2, SQL Server, or Sybase databases only)

      Enter the database name of the IWSd database. This field does not appear when Oracle is the database type.

    • Oracle Service Name (for Oracle databases only)

      Enter the Oracle Service Name that identifies the IWSd database, when it is an Oracle database. For all other database types, this field does not appear.

    • User ID

      The name of the user that has read access to the IWSd database.

    • Password

      The database user's password.

    Provide the details of the IWSd Connector API for the communication between the IWS Connector and the AAI server:

    • IWS Connector API URL

      The URL of the Tomcat web application for the IWS Connector, in the following format


      This starts with http:// or https://, followed by the connector host (the IP address or DNS name of the IWS Connector server), a colon (:), the port number for the Tomcat web server for the connector, slash (/): and then the name of the connector (IBMWorkflowSchedulerConnector).

    Provide the details of the REST API of the IWSd workload scheduler from which the IWS Connector acquires data for AAI:


      The URL for the endpoint of the REST API for the IWSd workload scheduler. This is needed to get the data that is acquired over REST.

    • IWS API User ID

      The REST API user on IWSd workload scheduler.

    • IWS API Password

      The password of the IWSd user.

    Provide the time configurations for the IWSd database:

    • Start Time of Day(24:00)

      The start time of day on the IWSd database in 24-hour time. The start time is required because IWS production plans are calculated on a daily basis and AAI can synchronize with IWS schedules.

    • TimeZone

      Select the timezone where the IWSd database is located. This ensures that times that are shown in AAI for job and jobstream executions reflect the times on the IWSd scheduler.


      The TimeZone drop down lists only the most common time zones. If the time zone that you need is not in this list, then select Show all time zones below the Time Zone field to open a list of all time zones worldwide and select your time zone from there.

    • Click the Test Connection button to validate your entries.
  6. Only if the test succeeds, click the OK button. Otherwise, check and revise the values and try again.

See also:
