Details - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options

The Details button on the timeline view toolbar allows you to see details for either a job (box/group), a jobstream, or a Machine/Agent. You can also select a job, a jobstream, or a Machine/Agent, right-click it and select Job/Jobstream/Machine Details from the pop-up menu.

This page includes the following:

Job Details

For information about the Job Details dialog and a description of its content, see Job Details Dialog.

Jobstream Details

The Jobstream Details dialog reflects a number of statistics related to the selected run of the ENTIRE jobstream:

  • Total Jobstream Duration: This number reflects the length of time that the entire jobstream ran; from start of the initiating job to the completion time of the Target Job.

  • Finish to Start Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects the sum of the differences between the Job End process event and the Job Start process event time. In other words, AAI calculates the time between when each job ends and when its downstream dependent job starts, and then adds those together to provide a total Finish-to-Run Delay statistic.

  • Start to Running Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects the sum of the differences between the Start Event process time and the actual job executing start time for every job upstream of the Target Job. In other words, AAI calculates the time difference between when each job in the jobstream enters into Start condition, and when it advances into Running condition, and then adds those times together to provide a total Start-to-Running Delay statistic.

  • Designed Delay: This statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects delays in the jobstream that are not caused by system delays, but rather are a function of how a jobstream has been defined to the scheduler.

  • System Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects the sum of total Start- to-Running Delay across the entire jobstream and the Total Finish-to-Start Delay across the entire jobstream.

  • Non-System Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) sums the Operational Delay and the Design Delay across the entire jobstream.

  • Overall Delay: This number reflects the overall delay of the jobstream.

Machine/Agent Details

To see details about a particular machine/agent make sure that you have selected the Show machine usage button. The Machine Details dialog has three components: the resource utilization graph and the Machine and Job(s) tabs.

Resource Utilization Graph

The resource utilization graph displays a graphic timeline of the entire jobstream. It also gives you easy access to the machine/agent usage based on the time you define. You can either use the slider or the Ctrl + Left Arrow (previous) and Ctrl + Right Arrow (next) keys on the keyboard to select the previous and next time resource utilization changes.

Machine Tab

The detail displayed on the Machine tab depends upon the machine that you selected. When you select a Machines (Job Count) machine, the only property displayed is the Name of the machine. When you select a Machines (Load) machine, the Name, Parent, and Limit properties are displayed.

Job(s) Tab

The Jobs tab provides a list of all jobs running on that Machine/Agent during the time in question: either over the entire jobstream, or during the highlighted span. When you select to show only the jobs during a highlighted time span, the time span selected is highlighted in yellow. The data listed for the jobs includes only the jobs that ran in that time span or a subset of the entire jobstream.

The Machine details for Machines (Load) include Job Name, Start Usage, End Usage, and Amount (such as 1 or 2) data. However, the details for Machines (Job Count) include only Job Name, Start Usage, and End Usage data.

The Machine Detail dialog also allows you to view what was running at a particular time. Clicking in the resource utilization graph allows you to quickly display jobs using the selected Machine/Agent. Clicking and dragging the slider along the graph displays the jobs that run during the time indicated by the slider. Jobs shown in bold in the detail table are those that are running precisely at the moment of the time indicator.


The list of jobs generated for the specific time is global. The list of jobs is not restricted to just the jobs in that jobstream, but any jobs controlled by that scheduler that ran on that Machine/Agent at that time.

Restricting the jobs list by selecting during highlighted span restricts the number of jobs displayed in the list to those that ran during that span. Selecting this option also restricts the slider in the resource utilization graph to the selected span. The slider is not able to move beyond the selected time. This is true for both types of Machine/Agent views.

See also: