View Settings - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options

The View Settings dialog allows you to select the Lines, Average Durations, and Runs that are used globally for all jobstream Gantt Chart views. You can either use the toggle buttons on the toolbar or access these options through the pop-up menu options.

This page includes the following:


The Lines tab comprises the following settings:

  • Critical Path: Displayed in red, this line connects all of the jobs that are in (or are predicted to be on the critical path of all runs of all jobstreams.

  • Cross-instance Dependencies (AutoSys Only): Displayed in green this line shows when a jobstream crosses from one AutoSys instance to a predecessor(s) in another AutoSys instance.

  • Predecessors: Displayed in blue, you may choose how many upstream levels you want to show when clicking on any job in a jobstream.

    • All or Up to 10 Levels

    • Show not running predecessors (AutoSys Only)

      There is an option to show not running predecessors on the View Settings Lines tab dialog (same for successors). The option is available only if Show predecessors/successors is turned on. The not running predecessor lines are rendered in orange and successors are rendered in light-orange. Not running predecessors/successors can be accessed directly by choosing the Go to predecessor sub-menu.

    • Show negative dependency predecessors (CA7 Only)

      There is an option to show negative dependency predecessors on the View Settings Lines tab dialog (same for successors). The option is available only if Show predecessors/successors is turned on. The negative dependency predecessor lines are rendered in orange and successors are rendered in light-orange.

    • Show custom dependency predecessors (CA7 Only)

      You can create custom triggering relationships in AAI. There is an option to show custom dependency predecessors on the View Settings Lines tab dialog. (same for successors). The option is available only if Show predecessors/successors is turned on. The custom dependency Predecessor lines are rendered in pink, and successors are rendered in light-purple.

  • Successors: Displayed in light blue, you may choose how many downstream levels you want to view when clicking on any job in a jobstream

    • All or Up to 10 Levels

    • Show not running successors (AutoSys Only)

    • Show negative dependency successors (CA7 Only)

    • Show custom dependency successors (CA7 Only)

  • Job Interval Highlights in Upper View: Display in yellow vertical timelines in the upper view corresponding to the job interval

Average Durations

Allows you to display all jobs in the jobstream that are running shorter or longer than their average duration. Black bars display the average duration. This visual representation of job and/or box average duration enables you to quickly determine whether or not a job is running Shorter or Longer.

You can decide to show the duration in comparison to the job run that you are viewing for only jobs on the critical path or all jobs. Average durations are shown both on the critical path Analysis historical views of jobstreams and in the Monitoring real-time views of jobstreams.

Average durations can be shown for all jobs in a jobstream or for those jobs on the critical path only.

Critical path:

  • Jobs on the critical path only

  • All jobs in the jobstream run


  • Jobs that are running Longer than average

  • Jobs that are running Shorter than average

  • Any job, regardless of its duration in the current run


You can define if you want to show or hide jobs that did not run during your target run time period (No runs) and/or jobs that ran during your target run but are not linked (Unlinked runs).

No Runs

Use the No Run jobs button to improve your job stream visibility and granularity, assuring that your jobstream is running the way it should be.

Frequently in a jobstream there are jobs that run on a daily basis, and there are jobs that run on a particular day. In this type of scenario, it is good to have an overarching view of the jobs that did not run on a particular day to help validate your jobstream.

The No Runs display button can be used to:

  • View which jobs did not run a particular day (according to your time-line view), therefore validating your jobstream.
  • View jobs that did not run at all, enabling you to take the appropriate action to remediate the problem.


In the screenshot, when No Runs is displayed you can see that jobs have run prior to 7:00 am, however they did not run during the target run job period, therefore in this context they are considered No Runs. However, a No Runs job(s) can also be displayed in the target run period, whether it is linked or unlinked to the target run.

Unlinked Runs

The Unlinked Runs button allows you to view all jobs that are referenced that started or ended during the timeframe of the jobstream run. They are displayed whether or not they were wired in, as actually impacting the run of the target job.


In this screenshot you can see that the mkt_price_NY_0004 (mauve line) job was still running when the target job started at 7:00 AM . A second run of the same job starts again at 7:30 AM, again the target job is still running. 

Click the image to expand it.

See also: