AAI Integration for CA7

To integrate with the CA7 Workload Automation engine on the mainframe, AAI does not require an external connector. The required data is directly delivered to a specified directory on the AAI server. AAI processes this data using a native connector that is built into the AAI Platform server. For more information about native and external connectors, see Workload Automation / Scheduler Integration through Connectors.

However, a data feed mechanism on the mainframe is in place that obtains the required data from CA7 as data files and delivers them to the specified directory on the AAI server. AAI's native connector processes this data. There are two methods to provide this data feed mechanism on the mainframe:

  • Installing and using the supplied Mainframe Data Provider package

    This is the recommended method. It enables you to run the CA7 Server for AAI STC to obtain the mainframe data from CA7 and deliver it to the directory on AAI.

    For more information, see AAI / CA7 Integration Using the CA7 Server for AAI.

  • Using tailored JCL as batch job executions scheduled and run through CA7

    For more information, see Using Batch Executions.

After configuring and implementing either the tailored JCLs or the CA7 Server for AAI, you complete the integration by adding a CA7 scheduler to AAI and establishing the connection. For more information, see Configuring CA7 Schedulers (Thick Client) / Configuring CA7 Schedulers (Web UI).

Who Should Read These Topics?

Implementing the CA7 Server for AAI STC and establishing the connection to the AAI server requires the collaboration between mainframe specialists and AAI administrators. To accomplish these tasks, a deep understanding of both mainframe environments and of AAI is needed.

This section includes the following: