Implementation Checklists (CA7 Server for AAI)

You implement an instance of the CA7 Server for AAI through the IMS. Use the ADD New Instance and CONFIGURE Instance Entry functions from the Main Instance Menu. Each function comprises several steps.


When you start the IMS to add the first instance of the CA7 Server for AAI The IMS' Functions Menu is bypassed and the ADD New Instance Entry function starts directly.

The following tables describe the ADD and CONFIGURE settings for implementing an instance. Fill in these check lists for each instance before starting its implementation.

ADD New Instance Entry

The ADD New Instance Entry function comprises the following steps:

  1. Creating an instance.

  2. Defining the scheduling system and AAI server that the instance will operate for.

  3. Defining the menu number, description and color.

  4. Allocating execution datasets for the instance. Use the values that you have previously obtained from your sizing exercise. For more information, see zFS Sizing.

Creating an Instance

Task Value

4-character Scheduler ID

Use a value from SVCNO statement in the INIT Deck, using, in order, either the XTMNAME=, RNAME= or CA7= parameter, whichever is defined.

Scheduler ID:



4-character LPAR ID

Defaults to SMF ID value for LPAR but can be overridden to use any name. For example, SMF ID = SYS1 can be set to PROD.

After multiple deployments to different LPARs and LPAR, the selection screen is displayed.

LPAR name:



3 character AAI system name

When the AAI system is installed, a 3 character ID is created. The default is AAI.

The setting here can be that name or any other 3 character unique value. No check is made that this name matches the actual AAI system ID.

AAI name:



Menu Entry Settings

Various values that determine which menu entry is used, the name that is displayed and what color values the entry will have.

Allocating Execution Datasets

Task Value

Assign the Instance Execution HLQ

  • Default HLQ

    Specifies an HLQ that will automatically have two additional levels included before each actual dataset suffix name is added:

    • AIS7

    • yyyxlpar

      (where yyyx is a unique instance code and lpar is the LPAR ID)

  • Override HLQ

    This HLQ is used as is with just each actual dataset suffix name added.

    Ensure you use unique dataset names when creating multiple instances.

Instance Execution HLQ:


SMS Allocations: Dataset Locations

  • Define the SMS Management Class to be used to allocate the Instance Execution datasets or leave blank for default values based on HLQ.

  • Define the SMS Storage Class to be used to allocate the Instance Execution datasets or leave blank for default values based on HLQ.

  • Define the SMS Data Class to be used to allocate the Instance Execution datasets or leave blank for default values based on HLQ.

  • SMS Management Class:



  • SMS Storage Class:



  • SMS Data Class



Non-SMS allocations: Dataset Locations

  • Define the specific Volume Serial Number to be used to create the Instance Execution datasets or leave blank for default values based on HLQ.

  • Define the specific Unit Type to be used to create the Instance Execution datasets or leave blank for default values based on HLQ.

  • Volume Serial Number



  • Unit Type



zFS Volume Definition

The Override DSN value allows you to specify a different HLQ specifically for the zFS volume VSAM Cluster definition. If this is left blank the default name shown in yellow above the field will be used to define the VSAM Cluster, using the same Default HLQ previously specified

The Primary space value sets the initial size of the zFS volume which will be created with the AGGRGROW attribute when it is formatted. This value should be set to the value calculated from the zFS Volume Sizing exercise earlier.

Override DSN:

CONFIGURE CA7 Instance Entry

The CONFIGURE Instance Entry function comprises the following steps:

  1. Configuring Data Delivery settings for the AAI server.

  2. Configuring the Scheduler specifying various values that the Instance requires to generate the Data files.

  3. Configuring the CA7 Server for AAI that defines various settings to control the execution of the Instance itself.

The CONFIGURE Instance Entry cannot be performed until the ADD New Instance Entry is completed and the execution datasets for the Instance have been allocated.

Task Value
Configure Data Delivery: IP Address

Define the IP Address or DNS Name of the AAI Server itself.

IP Address:



Configure Data Delivery: CA7 Data Path

Specify the directory Path that has been defined on the AAI Server and into which this Instance's Data files will be delivered

Data directory Path:



Configure Data Delivery: User ID

The User ID on the AAI Server that will be used to make the Data Delivery connection whether using SFTP or FTP/FTPS methods.


AAI Server User ID:



Configure Data Delivery: Delivery Method

Enter one of the permitted values of SFTP, FTP, FTPS or FTPR.

Delivery Method:



Configure Data Delivery: Password and Verify

For FTP type Data Delivery methods, youmay need to specify the password for the AAI Server User ID. If required, enter the value twice in the Password and Verify fields to ensure no mis-keying of the value. These fields can be left blank if no password is required.

The Password and Verify fields support a password up to 20 characters.

AAI Server Password:



Configure Data Delivery: Override Port

For FTP type Data Delivery methods, the default port number is 21.

If you decide to change it for security reasons, enter enter the override port number in this field. Leave blank to use port number 21.

Port number:



Configure Data Delivery: SSL/TLS Config

For FTPS/FTPR Data Delivery methods it is often necessary to reference an alternative FTP Configuration data file to the default /etc/ftp.dat file located in USS.

While a specific version could be placed into the $HOME directory for use by the STC, generally an alternative file name is created at the system level in the /etc directory.

When an alternative FTP Configuration file needs to be specified, use this field to define the alternative name.

FTP Configuration File Name:



Configure Scheduler: CA7 User ID

To create the CA7 Definition Data files, the CA7 Server for AAI uses the CCITERM (CAL2X2WB) program to issue the relevant commands to CA7 to produce the reports.

Using the CCITERM programs requires a /LOGON to CA7 to be issued, which uses the CA7 User ID specified in this field.


CA7 User ID:



Configure Scheduler: Password and Verify

When using CCITERM to sign on to CA7 using the above defined CA7 User ID, it might be necessary to also supply a password.

If required, enter the value twice in the Password and Verify fields to ensure no mis-keying of the value. These fields can be left blank if no password is required.

The Password and Verify fields support a password of up to 20 characters.


CA7 Password:



Configure Scheduler: LOGP/LOGS Prefix

To create the Event data file, the CA7 Server for AAI executes the SASSHIS8 program against the current "Active" LOG files, known as LOGP and LOGS. For this reason the CA7 Server for AAI needs to know the dataset names of these two LOG files.

Provide the LOGP/S dataset name prefix, which is the complete dataset name but without the P or S character at the end.

LOGP/LOGS Dataset Name Prefix:



Configure Scheduler: History LOG GDG Base

When performing a WARM start, the CA7 Server for AAI will attempt to catch up all the Event data that has occurred since it was stopped.

This may involve recovering the Event data that is no longer on the "Active" LOGP/S datasets. TheCA7 Server for AAI will then try to recover the Event data from the History LOG files.

This is normally defined as a GDG. You define the GDG Base dataset name here. The system will automatically identify all the GDG entries and determine which one(s) will be required for a recovery.

History GDG Base Dataset Name:



Configure CA7 Server for AAI: Cycle Frequency in seconds

Specifies how often the CA7 Server for AAI system will start a Cycle to generate and deliver an Event Data file to the AAI Server.

The recommended value is every 30 seconds, which is roughly in-line with the default value for AAI to check for a new Event Data file.

Cycle Frequency:



Configure the CA7 Server for AAI: Span Period in minutes

This value determines the amount of overlapping data to be included with each Cycle of Event generation. Each Cycle of Event Data generation starts the extract at the last Checkpoint date/time minus this value.

The default value is 2 minutes, so if Cycle Frequency is running at 30 seconds intervals then the overlap of Event Data is approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds.

This is done to ensure no data is missed whilst minimizing the amount of data generated and delivered. AAI will ignore any data already processed.

Span Period:



Configure the CA7 Server for AAI: Automatic Delivery

Determines whether the Primary STC will perform the generation of Definition Data automatically at the times specified in the following Run Time fields, or whether Definition Data generation and delivery will only occur when requested.

The default is Y meaning that automatic Definition Data generation and delivery will occur at the times specified.

On Demand Delivery (N/Y)



Configure the CA7 Server for AAI: Automatic Delivery Run Times

If the above Automatic Delivery is set to Y, then up to 10 different times of day can be specified in these fields. This tells the Primary STC to automatically start a Definition Data generation and delivery process.

By default AAI will only process new Definition Data files once per day at 1AM server time. If Definition Data is requested more frequently in the CA7 Server for AAI, then the AAI setting must be modified to match.

The generation and delivery of the Definition Data files can take some considerable time to execute. The run times specified here should account for the execution time to ensure that the process is completed before the time AAI is set to process those files.

Automatic Delivery Run Times:











Configure the CA7 Server for AAI: zFS Data Path

All data files are generated directly into a USS directory before being transferred to the AAI Server. When creating an instance of the CA7 Server for AAI, a zFS volume was created. This defines the Data Generation path in USS that the zFS volume is mounted to.

The USS directory must have sufficient space to hold the largest data file that can be created, usually the track or definition files.

For more information, see zFS Sizing.




See also

Implementing an Instance of the CA7 Server for AAI