Installation Checklist (CA7 Server for AAI)

The following table describes the tasks you must perform during the CA7 Server for AAI installation. Populate the Value column with the information that is specific to your installation and use the checklist during the installation process.


Task Value

Download the installation package

  1. Go to, log in with your Broadcom account and download file, see Downloads.

  2. Unzip it to extract the mainframe format ZzOS_Data_Providers_for_AAI_2.1.0.pax.Z distribution package file.


Create a temporary USS directory

Create a temporary USS directory to upload the pax.Z distribution package into and from which the Installation will be executed. This can be a directory under the User ID of the person performing the install.

Temporary USS Directory:



Upload the Installation Package to the mainframe

Use a file transfer mechanism in binary mode to upload the distribution package pax.Z file to the temporary USS directory defined above.


Create $HOME USS directory

Create the permanent $HOME USS directory for the USS executables and processing work files for the server instances.

$HOME USS directory:


Assign the installation HLQ

Determine the HLQ that the installation Libraries will be created under.

Install HLQ:

Determine the SMS Management Class to use for the installation libraries, if required

When creating the installation libraries, the SMS Management Class can be specified or it can be left blank to use default values for the HLQ.

SMS Management Class:


Determine the SMS Storage Class to use for the installation libraries, if required

When creating the installation libraries, the SMS Storage Class can be specified or it can be left blank to use default values for the HLQ.

SMS Storage Class:




Determine the SMS Data Class to use for the installation libraries, if required

When creating the installation libraries, the SMS Data Class can be specified or it can be left blank to use default values for the HLQ.

SMS Data Class:




Specify the Volume Serial Number of the Libraries for non-SMS installs

If SMS is not in use, you can specify the specific Volume Serial Number or leave it blank.

Volume Serial Number:




USS $HOME directory for the installation

During the installation process the path for the USS $HOME directory will be required. Use the path defined above.


Determine the LOG Access method to be used

Accessing the Primary STC log for Browsing can be done using either the SDSF or Sysview API.

LOG Access method (SDSF/Sysview):

REXX Library Type

The z/OS data provider for AAI can execute with either the Full IBM REXX Library or the Alternate REXX Library. During the installation process you will be asked if the Full REXX Library is available (Y/N). If N is specified, then Alternate REXX Library supported code will be installed.

Full REXX Library available (Y/N):

Optionally rename the CUSTLIB Library after installation

As detailed above, the CUSTLIB library can be renamed to another HLQ. Modify the various AIxCPRIM CLIST members to reference the new CUSTLIB library nameif you change the HLQ.




Optionally create an ISPF Menu entry for the IMS

After installation, you can define an ISPF Menu entry for starting the IMS. Invoke the most suitable AIxCPRIM member in the CUSTLIB library from the ISPF Menu entry.




See also: