AAI / CA7 Integration Using the CA7 Server for AAI

One of the two ways to provide the data feed that AAI requires from CA7 is through a software component called the CA7 Server for AAI that must be installed on the mainframe environment. The CA7 Server for AAI retrieves CA7 data and makes it available to the AAI server. Once the CA7 Server for AAI is implemented, you must then add a CA7 scheduler in AAI that connects to the CA7 Server for AAI . The scheduler is a representation of the CA7 system that provides the data. As soon as this has happened, AAI can start extracting the data that it needs to build jobstreams, perform calculations, predict outcomes, populate charts, generate reports and so forth.

For information about the other way to integrate AAI and CA7 see Using Batch Executions.

Overview of the Integration Process

The CA7 Server for AAI operates as a continuously running data server. It creates and delivers the required data files at regular intervals as specified in the configuration settings that you define both on the CA7 Server for AAI and on AAI.

TheCA7 Server for AAI retrieves two types of data from CA7:

  • Definition data

    Job definitions, triggers, predecessors, calendars, virtual resources and datasets defined in the CA7 database. This data is delivered to the specified AAI directory as four data files called LDSN, LJOB, SCAL and TIMEZONE.

    The CA7 Server for AAI retrieves definition data at scheduled intervals that are defined in the CA7 Server for AAI. These time must tie up with the Definition Processing time defined in the AAI configuration. This usually happens once a day because this type of data does not change very often. However, you can configure it to happen several times per day, if required. The CA7 Server for AAI dynamically creates and delivers these four files to the specified directory on the AAI server using SFTP/FTP/FTPS.


    Producing and delivering the definition data files can require considerable time. Take this into account when setting the scheduled time(s) in the CA7 Server for AAI and the definition processing time in AAI. You must allow time to create and deliver the data before AAI starts to process it.

  • Event data

    Event data refers to the real-time activity of jobs as they run under the control of CA7. This data includes information on when jobs enter the queues, complete, fail or are canceled.

    The CA7 Server for AAI retrieves event data from CA7 every 30 seconds by default. It creates an RPT70.YYMMDDHHMM data file each time that is delivered to the specified directory location on the AAI Severs using FTP/SFTP/FTPS.

    The CA7 instance definition in AAI identifies that event data will be delivered automatically and AAI regularly scans for new RPT70 files arriving in the specified directory.

For information about how this data is retrieved and prepared, see Architecture of the CA7 Server for AAI .

Preparing for the Installation and Implementation

You must carry out some preparatory steps before installing and configuring the CA7 Server for AAI. Once you have done them, the actual installation and configuration is very quick.

Gather All Input Values

Make sure that you have all the input values about your system and the integration parameters at hand before starting with the installation. To help you with this, this documentation provides two checklists, one for the installation and another one for the implementation. For more information, see:

Overview of the Procedure

This list provides an overview of the steps you need to perform to integrate the CA7 instance with AAI using the CA7 Server for AAI:

  1. Complete all the necessary preparation activities, which include making the REXX library available to all LPARS, adding a $HOME directory in USS to install Unix files, defining STCs and a User ID for execution.

  2. Download the installer and unpack it.

  3. Install (full dataset creation or USS module deployment only).

  4. Start the ISPF Instance Management System (IMS).

  5. Add an instance, define and allocate datasets and a zFS volume.

  6. Configure the instance to establish the connection between the CA7 Server for AAI, the CA7 scheduler that it is servicing and the AAI server.

  7. Set up the CA7 Server for AAI STC using the created JCL and start it.

  8. Check that the data files are delivered to the specified directory on the AAI server.

  9. Add the CA7 scheduler instance into AAI. For more information, see Configuring CA7 Schedulers (Web UI) or Configuring CA7 Schedulers (Thick Client).

  10. Confirm that the data files delivered to the AAI server are being consumed by the CA7 instance in AAI. For more information, see Schedulers.

The following topics explain how to install, configure, implement and maintain the CA7 Server for AAI: