Business Area Coordinator

business area coordinator,business area coordinator user role

The business area coordinator is the person who oversees the business implementation of AAI in your organization. This is a project management role that is fully engaged during the business implementation phase. After AAI is running live in your production environment, the business area coordinator acts as a custodian of AAI, continuing to oversee the smooth operation of AAI and its continuous improvement.


The business implementation begins after the technical implementation is complete. At that point, AAI and all the relevant components are installed and your schedulers are connected to AAI.  At this point, AAI is ready to be populated with data and prepared for live use in your organization.

This page includes the following:

The Responsibilities of the Business Area Coordinator

If you are the business area coordinator for AAI, you ensure that when your business implementation is complete, your users can use AAI to do the following:

  • See the jobstream runs that their teams need to monitor in real time

  • Get alerts when SLAs have been violated or are in danger of being violated

  • Get personalized dashboard views of data they need

  • Get aggregated reports for keeping an eye on trends and getting insights for optimization potential

To be able to do that, you have to see that the following are defined and available in AAI:

  • AAI jobstreams for the important job processes from all of your schedulers

  • Business areas to organize related jobstreams and to support filtering for dashboards and reports

  • SLAs that set clear performance goals for the key jobstreams  

  • Alerts that are issued to targeted users

  • Dashboards of views of jobstream data that your users need to have at a glance

  • Reports that are defined for aggregate job history data that key users need

The People the Business Area Coordinator Works With

The business implementation of AAI affects a wide range of functional areas on all levels of your organization. As the business area coordinator, you act as a project manager and coordinator, working with people throughout your organization as well as outside it. These include:

  • Managerial stakeholders

  • Operators, including job schedulers, monitoring staff and shift supervisors, process owners and business analysts, and data scientists.

  • Scheduler administrators

  • AAI administrators

  • In-house developers for scripting and REST API support

  • Key contacts at third party partners and customers

  • Broadcom pre-sales and implementation support staff

The Knowledge and Skills of the Business Area Coordinator

As a business area coordinator, you must have a thorough and experienced knowledge of how the organization runs.

You need to be able to answer these questions or know who to contact to get the answers when you do not have the details yourself:

  • Who are the key stakeholders for AAI?

  • Across the organization, who needs what information and when?

  • Where this information is located, that is, on which schedulers and which groups manage it?

  • Which are the key business processes and applications on the various schedulers that are used in the organization?

  • Who are the key external clients for processes that run on your schedulers?

  • Who are the experts on each of the schedulers?

  • Which external SLAs need to be fulfilled?

  • Which internal SLAs need to be fulfilled?

  • Which of the AAI alert types make sense to implement in your organization?

  • Who needs to be alerted about which issues?

Furthermore, a business area coordinator needs personal skills to execute the business implementation effectively. These include the following:

  • Project planning skills

  • An understanding of the needs of people from various areas and levels of the organization

  • Ability to get the resources to support the AAI implementation work

  • Authority to harness resources for the implementation


See also:

Getting Started for Business Area Coordinators