AAI Administrators

administrator user role

AAI administrators are responsible for technical support throughout the AAI life cycle. Their first task is to install AAI. After AAI is up and running, they maintain all AAI components and solve technical infrastructure problems throughout the remainder of the life cycle. This fundamental and practical role makes their work essential to the success of all AAI users.

Typically in an organization, a team of people cover the AAI administrator role and its responsibilities. These people include system administrators, database administrators, network specialists, possibly cloud server administrators, and scheduler administrators. For simplicity, in this documentation we use "AAI administrator" as a general user role for anyone who performs any of the technical tasks related to implementing or maintaining AAI components.

This page includes the following:

Responsibilities of an AAI Administrator

Among the tasks that AAI administrators are responsible for are the following:

  • Installing and configuring the following components:

    • The AAI platform server

    • The AAI database

    • The AAIReporting Server

    • The AAIReporting Server database

    • Connectors for all job schedulers that AAI uses

  • Providing test and production environments to the AAI business implementation team.

  • Maintaining and upgrading AAI components and environments as required.

  • Allocating storage capacity for backups and historical data.

  • Ensuring that all AAI instances and components adhere to company policies, including email servers, security protocols, and so on.

  • Liaising with administrators of third-party tools and software providers to ensure that technical interfaces between them and AAI can work optimally.

  • Helping internal support staff to diagnose and solve technical issues.

  • Providing Broadcom support staff with technical specifications as required.

Who AAI Administrators Work With

In addition to their IT team, AAI administrators consult or work with the following people:

  • The business area coordinator for AAI

  • Developers

  • IT staff of third-party partners

  • Management

  • Support staff

  • Broadcom support staff

Knowledge and Skills of AAI Administrators

The people who are responsible for the tasks described previously must have the relevant IT skills and knowledge, whether it is about IT system configurations, database management, or any other technical task. They must also know their company's IT policies, requirements, and approval processes.

See also:

Getting Started for AAI Administrators