In-House Developers

developer user role,user role,responsibilities of in-house developers

An in-house developer is someone in your IT department who can contribute scripting and coding skills to support and enhance your AAI implementation by being able to do the following:

  • Create batch and workflow processes to efficiently run large-volume, repeatable tasks such as creating AAI jobstreams from scheduler jobs

  • Build AAI integrations with your company's local systems or third-party products, if required

  • Design custom AAI reports in the reporting engine, if required

Knowledge and Skills of In-House Developers

Your in-house developers must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Command line coding (CLI) skills in Python

  • REST-API coding skills

  • Scripting skills for the operating system that AAI runs on, if required

  • An understanding of the following applications and servers or the ability to understand them:

    • The job schedulers that feed job execution data into AAI

    • The AAI connectors for the job schedulers used in your organization

    • The enterprise systems that the jobs schedulers interact with

  • An understanding of the following aspects of your company:

    • The organizational structure and the people to go to for different kinds of support

    • The company policies and procedures

See also:

Getting Started for In-House Developers