Technical Support Providers

technical support provider user role,user role

Essential to the success of AAI in any phase of the life cycle, support can come from both internal and external sources, whom you would contact in prescribed order, based on your company's policies. They include the following people:

  1. Your business area coordinator

    Your business area coordinator is your first contact point for training, queries about the impact of certain features, potential further capabilities, and for problem solving. If your business area coordinator does not have an answer for you, she will know who can help you best.

  2. Your company's technical support staff, such as your company's help desk or the AAI administrators

  3. Broadcom support desk for complex technical questions about specific schedulers or problems


Make sure to follow your company's protocol for reporting software issues. Your manager, business area coordinator, or AAI administrator can guide you to the right channels when you have a problem.

Knowledge and Skills of Technical Support Providers

Depending on the area of responsibility, a person providing support for an AAI implementation must have expertise in that area. People working in support need to have the knowledge of the area that has the issue or needs further investigation. For example:

  • Technical support staff
    Whether internal or external technical support, these people must have the same skills as the AAI administrator, some developer skills, and an in-depth understanding of IT systems as well as expert understanding of AAI, especially its technical structures.
  • Your business area coordinator
    This person must have a broad understanding of all AAI features that are in use, plus an understanding of your organization and each team's responsibilities and business goals.

See also:

Getting Started for Technical Support Providers