Installing and Uninstalling the Reporting Server on Linux

This page guides you through the necessary steps to install the Reporting Server on Linux.

Before installing the Reporting Server, make sure you have all prerequisites in place

Once you have installed the Reporting Server, you have to configure it. The configuration page also provides tips for Windows and Linux. For more information, see Configuring the Reporting Server

This page includes the following:



Use the compatibility matrix (compatibility matrix) to check all relevant AAI components and prerequisites for vendor, version or setup information (Java version, browser compatibility and so on). For more information, see Compatibility Information.

Make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Java JDK 1.8 + is installed on the Reporting Server and the JAVA_HOME environment variable is configured accordingly.

  • Google Chrome is installed on the Reporting Server host.

  • You have the permissions to run scripts as root/sudo, because that is how you have to run the installation script.

For more information, see Preparing for the Reporting Server Installation.

Setup and Configuration

This section guides you through the configuration and installation of the Reporting Server using the RPM process.

To install the Reporting Server on Linux, do the following:

  1. Go to, log in with your Broadcom account and download the relevant version of the Reporting Server. For more information ,see Downloads.

  2. Unpack the necessary files in the following sequence:

    1. Unzip Automation.Analytics.&.Intelligence_<version and date>.zip.

    2. Open the Reporting.Server folder.

    3. Unzip AAI.BI.Installer.Linux_<version and build>.zip to get the following Linux-relevant files:

      • terma-bi-linux-installer-<version>.rpm


  3. Run

    • If you have $JAVA_HOME set in your environment use the following command:

      sudo ./

    • Otherwise, specify where you have Java installed in the command, like this, where </opt/java> is your Java location:

      sudo JAVA_HOME=</opt/java> ./

  4. Once the script is running, you are prompted to configure the Reporting Server before installing the Reporting Server with the parameters you entered.

    Define the following:

    1. The Tomcat port of the Reporting Server. You can either use the default port (8080) or a different one. If the Reporting Server and the AAI server are on the same host, make sure that the Tomcat port is not the same as the port AAI server, for example 8090.

    2. The Tomcat shutdown port of the Reporting Server. You can either use the default port (8005) or a different one. If the default port is already in use, make sure you assign a different one.

    3. The hostname or IP address on which the AAI server runs.

    4. The AAI protocol that you want to use: 1) HTTP or 2) HTTPS, depending on if the AAI server is configured for non-TLS or TLS communication.

      If you have a backup of your your server.xml and keystore files, you can use them. However, you still need to reimport the AAI certs into the Java keystore after the installation.

      For more information on how to set up TLS authentication, see Configuring the Reporting Server for TLS Authentication.

    5. The AAI port. The corresponding default port is set automatically when you choose a protocol: 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS.

    6. The database type that you want to use for AAI reports: 1) MSSQL or 2) ORACLE.

      This is the database used by the AAI server.

    7. The hostname of the email server (SMTP host) used to send scheduled reports.

    8. The port (default 25) of the SMTP email server.

    9. The email address from which the scheduled reports must be sent.

    10. Whether the mail server requires authentication or not: 1) Y or 2) N.

      If you select 1) Y, you also have to define the name and password of the SMTP server.

    11. The location where Chrome is installed. The Chrome executable is required to be able to export reports, data insights, or dashboards to PDF, CSV, DOCX, or other output formats.

      Important !

      Make sure you define the chrome/chromium executable path, as it is a requirement needed during the new .rpm installation.

  5. Once you are done with the definitions, they are displayed on the screen. Please check that the updated values are correct before continuing with the installation as these are the values that will be used to updated the termaBi.config file.




















    If the values are not correct, enter N to end the execution without installing the Reporting Server. This option allows you to re-run the script command and change your definition.

    If the values are correct, enter Y to proceed with the .rpm installation using the configuration that you defined. By default, the Reporting Server is installed in the /opt/bi-server/server directory and the path is not customizable.

    However, you can change other configuration settings after the installation. For more information, see Configuring the Reporting Server.

  6. Once the installation is complete, you can either start or stop the Reporting Server or check its status.

Starting, Stopping and Checking the Status of the Reporting Server

The systemd bi-server.service allows you to start and stop the Reporting Server, as well as check its status:

To start the Reporting Server:

sudo systemctl start bi-server


To verify that Reporting Server is running:

sudo systemctl status bi-server


To stop the Reporting Server:

sudo systemctl stop bi-server

Uninstalling the Reporting Server on Linux

To uninstall a Reporting Server installation, do the following:

  • Go to your Reporting Server installation directory, for example, /home/bi-server

  • As root/sudo, remove the terma-bi-linux-installer package using either dnf or rpm as follows:

    sudo dnf remove terma-bi-linux-installer-<version>

    sudo rpm -e terma-bi-linux-installer-<version>

The uninstall process creates backup files (/opt/bi-server/backups) which can be imported if the Reporting Server is reinstalled later on.

The report configuration is retained.

See also: