Configuring Jobstreams: Defining the SLA

{"URL":["/*.*/EditJobstream_SLA"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_js_edit_sla","customCards":[{"id":"ice_js_edit_sla_determining","title":"Determining the SLA","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Adding_Editing_SLA.htm"},{"id":"ice_SLAs","title":"All About SLAs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Administration/SLAs/SLA_About.htm"},{"id":"ice_about_late_criterion","title":"About the Late Criterion","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/specified_late_timeSLA_intro.htm"},{"id":"ice_deleting_jobstreams","title":"Deleting Jobstreams","type":"customize","url":"*.*0/AAI%20Guides/Content/Jobstreams/Jobstreams_Deleting.htm"}]}

SLA is the metric used for measuring the success of your operations. The SLA defined for a jobstream allows you to determine when AAI considers a target job to be late and can help you increase the jobstream's SLA fulfillment. By default, the system calculates the SLA automatically. For more information on SLAs and how AAI supports their fulfillment, see SLAs.

As a jobstream administrator or business area coordinator, you can only modify a jobstream's SLA when editing and NOT when adding the jobstream to AAI. This is because the system-calculated late criterion, which is required to define the SLA, can only be determined after the jobstream has been added.

system-calculated SLA,User-supplied endtime,user-supplied fixed duration

When editing a jobstream, the SLA tab allows you to determine if you want to use the system-calculated SLA or if you want to override it using one of the available options:

  • System-calculated

    Select this option if you want AAI to decide which method is the best one to determine when it will consider this jobstream to be late. AAI's algorithm chooses the best criteria based on the historical data that it has collected in its database.

    Depending on the method that it has chosen, AAI then displays either the late time, the average end time or the average duration. It also indicates what method the late criterion calculation is based on.

  • User-supplied End Time

    Enter the end time as of which you want AAI to consider the target job to be running late.

    If you need to display the times in a time zone that is different from the target job's time zone, select it from the Time Zone dropdown list.

    Once you have selected the end time, AAI displays the average end time (and the standard deviation) for the jobstream based on the historical data contained in its database. This information helps you select a reasonable end time for the jobstream.

    The Options button opens the End time options dialog, where you can further manipulate the end time by selecting the Override automation calculations checkbox. Since the AAI prediction engine calculates this value automatically, we do not recommend using this option.

    In Jobstream completes nn calendar day(s) after jobstream starts you can enter the number of calendar day(s) after the jobstream starts that the jobstream end time will be determined by. For example, if a jobstream starts to run at 11:00 p.m. on Monday, and the end time should be at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday, then you would enter a 1 in the calendar day(s) after jobstream starts field in order to accurately reflect the proper end time.


    You may want to define jobstreams that are based on daily and end of month (or other similar criteria). Using the same Target Job, you can create different jobstreams that have different user-defined end times (i.e., with End Of Month having a later end time). This can help prevent unnecessary alerts for Month End processing.

  • User-supplied Fixed Duration

    Specify how long the jobstream can execute before AAI considers it to be late. AAI displays the average duration (and the standard deviation) for the jobstream based on the historical data contained in its database. This information helps you select a reasonable duration for the jobstream.

See also: