When a User-Specified Late Time (SLA) Applies

Users can specify a given time of day as late criterion for a jobstream. The specified late time is not qualified with a “relative day”, as it relates to the beginning of the jobstream. AAI must “figure out” which day the SLA applies to using some kind of logic.

Example: Execution that Crosses the Midnight Mark

For a jobstream that AAI calculated to typically start at 9 PM (21:00) on Monday and end at 08:00 AM Tuesday. Clearly, this execution will go over the midnight mark into a following day. Now, if you set the late criterion to 03:00 AM, AAI cannot calculate with certainty the late time than you intend.


Because the start hour is later than the end hour, the end time must be on a following day. However, whether that is the next day (in our example, Tuesday) or the day after that (Wednesday) has an effect on the late calculation.

It is feasible that the user intends the late criterion 03:00 AM to apply to Tuesday, and the jobstream historically finishes 5 hours late

It is also feasible that the user intends the SLA (03:00) to apply to Wednesday, and the jobstream historically finishes 19 hours early.

AAI must make a determination if the SLA is for Tuesday or Wednesday by some method.

The method that AAI uses is:

  • If the average jobstream run duration is less than or equal to 12 hours, the SLA applies for the “current” day – the same day on which the jobstream finishes.
  • If the average jobstream run duration is greater than 12 hours, the SLA applies for the “next” day – the day after the jobstream finishes.


  • Modifying the “max jobstream run duration” has the effect of recalculating the average jobstream run duration by rebuilding the jobstream run history.
  • When the user sets the max jobstream run duration to a value that causes the average jobstream run duration to be less than or equal to 12 hours, the SLA is assigned to the “current” day – the day on which the jobstream normally ends.
  • When the user sets the max jobstream run duration to a value that causes the average jobstream run duration to be greater than 12 hours, the SLA is assigned to the “next” day – the day after which the jobstream normally ends.

Configuring an Override

You can override this behavior for individual jobstreams. By selecting the “options” button from the “Late Criterion” tab, you can “override automatic calculation” and enter “1” day to the field labeled “jobstream completes N calendar day(s) after jobstream starts."


Each jobstream is unique and this should only be configured when it is clear that the jobstream in question is encountering this 12-hour boundary condition and AAI is miscalculating the day on which the late time falls.