Jobstream Properties

The Jobstream Details window reflects a number of statistics related to the selected run of the ENTIRE jobstream:

  • Total Jobstream Duration: This number reflects the length of time that the entire jobstream ran; from start of the initiating job to the completion time of the Target Job.
  • Finish to Start Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects the sum of the differences between the Job End process event and the Job Start process event time. In other words, AAI calculates the time between when each job ends and when its downstream dependent job starts, and then adds those together to provide a total Finish-to-Run Delay statistic.
  • Start to Running Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects the sum of the differences between the Start Event process time and the actual job executing start time for every job upstream of the Target Job. In other words, AAI calculates the time difference between when each job in the jobstream enters into Start condition, and when it advances into Running condition, and then adds those times together to provide a total Start-to-Running Delay statistic.
  • Designed Delay: This statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects delays in the jobstream that are not caused by system delays, but rather are a function of how a jobstream has been defined to the scheduler.
  • System Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) reflects the sum of total Start- to-Running Delay across the entire jobstream and the Total Finish-to-Start Delay across the entire jobstream.
  • Non-System Delay: This derived statistic (in HH:MM:SS format) sums the Operational Delay and the Design Delay across the entire jobstream.
  • Overall Delay: This number reflects the overall delay of the jobstream.