Job Details - Basic Information

{"URL":["/aai/web/v2/jobs/*/basic"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_description_JobDetails_Basic","customCards":[{"id":"ice_researching_jobs","title":"Researching Jobs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Monitoring/monitoring_Researching_Jobs.htm"},{"id":"ice_description_search_for_jobs","title":"Searching for Jobs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/_Common/CommonFunctions/CF_search_for_jobs_web_interface.htm"},{"id":"ice_description_schedulers_INTRO","title":"Schedulers","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Administration/Schedulers/admin_schedulers.htm"}]}

As an AAI operator or jobstream administrator, when monitoring and working with a jobstream, you may want to drill down into its jobs to investigate what job properties or run parameters might be affecting its execution. This is particularly true if a job fails or if it runs for much longer than normally does. The Basic Information tab of the job details page provides data about the origin of the job and about its design.


This section is the same for all jobs regardless of the scheduler where they run. Most of the parameters here are self explanatory. We mention here only those that either need some explanation or that are particularly helpful for your investigation:

  • Parent

    The parent of a job in a jobstream is the container object where that job runs. For example, the parent of a job in AutoSys is called a BOX; in Automic Automation it could be a Workflow or a Schedule. Not all schedulers use this type of container job, so this parameter is available only for schedulers where the container concept applies.

  • Job Type

    This value is specific to the scheduler where the job runs. The value here determines the erst of the properties that are displayed on this page.

  • Owner

    The user who owns this job in the scheduler.

  • Machine

    The actual machine where the job executes. For example, in AutoSys or Automic Automation, agents are installed on remote servers (not where the scheduler is). The agent where the job runs is the Machine here.

  • Scheduler

    The automation engine where the job actually runs.

  • Description

    Any information provided in the job definition.


  • Common Properties

    These are the properties that are common to all jobs from the scheduler on which this particular job runs. Therefore, you will see different properties in this section depending on the scheduler where the job resides.

    • Condition String

      This is a particularly important property. It tells you how jobs are related, that is, if the job depends on its predecessor ending with a particular status. For example, if this string displays s(JOB A) this means that the job will run only if the predecessor (JOB A) ends with a success status (s) .

      This string can contain aggregate conditions (ANDs and/or ORs) when a job depends on the status of more than one predecessor. In this case, the composite string could look like this:

      s(JOB A) AND s(JOB B) AND s(JOB C)

    • Number of Retries

      This property indicates whether the job definition allows it to run more than once or not. 0 means that no retries are allowed, 1 that one retry is allowed, 2 that there is no limit as to the number of retries.

    Important !

    Please refer to the scheduler product documentation for information about these parameters. For Broadcom schedulers, you can find the product documentation here.

  • Other Properties

    Other job properties that are scheduler-specific. Please refer to the scheduler product documentation.

See also: