
Object obtained from get_all_custom_conditions() method. See, Report Commands

Each CustomConditionKey has a toString() method that describes the information needed for the condition. More specifically, there are 4 types of custom conditions, each with a specific set of properties.

This page includes the following:

CustomHardStartTimeKey Parameters

For AutoSys schedulers, this condition represents a time of day for which AAI will predict the job to start. It may or may not be coupled with a CustomCalendarStartKey.

  • job - the JobKey for the job with this condition. A JobKey has 4 data fields:

    • name: the name of the job

    • jobId: the internal AAI ID for the job

    • containerPath: the full path and name of the parent box or group containing the job

    • schedulerId: the internal AAI ID of the scheduler controlling the job

  • schedId(CA7) - a three-digit string representing the schedId on which the job should run

  • startTime - a TimeOfDay object. Use startTime.stringValue() for a formatted time

CustomCalendarStartKey Parameters

For AutoSys schedulers, this condition represents the days of the week that AAI will predict the job to start at the time specified in a CustomHardStartTimeKey.

  • job - the JobKey for the job with this condition as described above

  • schedId(CA7) - a three-digit string representing the schedId on which the job should run

  • calendarName - the name of the calendar for this condition

CustomCalendarHardStartTimeKey Parameters

For CA7 schedulers, this condition represents the days of the week that AAI will predict the job to start and the time of day at which it will start.

  • job - the JobKey for the job with this condition as described above

  • schedId(CA7) - a three-digit string representing the schedId on which the job should run

  • calendarName - the name of the calendar for this condition

  • startTime - a TimeOfDay object. Use startTime.stringValue() for a formatted time

CustomDependencyKey Parameters

A custom dependency represents a dependency between two jobs that are not part of the scheduler's job start conditions.

  • successorJob - the JobKey for the successor job with this condition as described above

  • successorSchedId(CA7) - a three-digit string representing the schedId on which the successor job should run

  • predecessorJob - the JobKey for the predecessor job with this condition as described above

  • predecessorSchedId(CA7) - a three-digit string representing the schedId on which the predecessor job should run

  • dependencyOffset - the duration of the offset between the end of the predecessor and the start of the successor. Use dependencyOffset.stringValue() for a string representation of the milliseconds in the duration.

See the script in the 'examples' directory for an example of accessing the members of custom conditions.