
Object obtained from get_datasets_with_no_start_conditions() and get_jobs_with_no_start_conditions() methods, see Condition Commands.


  • baseJob
  • class
  • clearNotRunningPredecessorJobIds
  • clearPredecessorJobIds
  • deepResources
  • durationExpiration
  • durationMean
  • durationPopulation
  • durationSource
  • durationStandardDeviation
  • durationStatisticsFirstRunTime
  • durationUnfilteredPopulation
  • extJobId
  • jawsJobType
  • jobGroup
  • jobId
  • jobKey
  • jobName
  • machineName
  • notRunningPredecessorJobIds
  • notRunningPredecessorJobs
  • notRunningSuccessorJobs
  • parentPath
  • predecessorJobIds
  • predecessorJobs
  • predictedDuration
  • recentStateType
  • resources
  • schedulerId
  • successorJobs
  • synthetic
  • timeZone


  • equals(Job or Dataset) - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getClass() - type of job or dataset

  • getDeepResources()  - list of resources

  • getDurationMean() - Duration object representing mean value

  • getDurationPopulation() - integer population size

  • getDurationSource() - string source

  • getDurationStandardDeviation() - float standard deviation value

  • getDurationStatisticsFirstRunTime() - date and time of first run of job or dataset

  • getDurationUnfilteredPopulation() - integer population size

  • getExtJobId() - string job ID

  • getJawsJobType() - JawsJobTypeLite object representing job or dataset type

  • getJobId() - UUID of job or dataset

  • getJobKey() - JobKey of job or dataset

  • getJobName() - name of job or dataset

  • getMachineName() - string name of machine

  • getNotRunningPredecessorJobIds() - list of predecessor job IDs

  • getNotRunningPredecessorJobs() - list of predecessor jobs

  • getNotRunningSuccessorJobs() - list of successor jobs

  • getParentPath() - string parent path

  • getPredecessorJobIds() - list of predecessor jobIds

  • getPredecessorJobs() - list of predecessor jobs

  • getPredictedDuration() - Duration object representing predicted duration

  • getRecentStateType() - string such as 'CLOSE'

  • getResources() - list of resources

  • getSchedulerId() - UUID of scheduler

  • getSuccessorJobs() - list of successor jobs

  • hasUserPredictedDuration() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • hashCode() - hash code value of job or dataset

  • isJobGroup() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isSynthetic() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • setHasUserPredictedDuration() - set whether or not the job or dataset has user predicted duration

  • setMachineName('new machine') - set machine name

  • toString() - string representation of job or dataset