
Object obtained from jobstream_run_impl() method.


  • asOfTime
  • complete
  • computedNoRuns
  • criticalPath
  • duration
  • endTime
  • jobStreamDefinition
  • jobStreamId
  • jobStreamRunId
  • jobToRunsMap
  • lastPredictedTime
  • machines
  • maxLoads
  • overallDelay
  • pctAutosysLatency
  • pctBuiltInDelay
  • pctFinishToStartLatency
  • pctNonAutosysDelay
  • pctOverallDelay
  • pctStartToRunningLatecy
  • pctUnexpectedDelay
  • predictionTimeExceeded
  • predictionType
  • resources
  • schedId
  • staleMachines
  • staleMaxLoads
  • staleMaxLoads
  • totalAutosysLatency
  • totalBuildInDelay
  • totalFinishToStartLatency
  • totalNonAutosysDelay
  • totalStartToRunningLatency
  • totalUnexpectedDelay


  • class() - type of JobStreamRunLite object

  • computeLastRunEndTime() - in parse_date() format ('2007/1/15 13:21:00 MST')

  • doesUseMachines()- boolean string such as 'False'

  • doesUseMaxLoadMachines()- boolean string such as 'False'

  • doesUseResources() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • equals('a') - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getAsOfTime() - object type

  • getClass() - object type

  • getCriticalPath() - CriticalPathLite object

  • getDuration() - Duration object representing jobstream duration

  • getEndTime() - in parse_date() format ('2007/1/15 13:21:00 MST')

  • getJobStreamDefinition()

  • getJobStreamId() - jobstream UUID

  • getJobStreamRunId() - jobstream run UUID

  • getJobToRunsMap() - map of job UUIDs and JobRunLiteCollection objects

  • getLastPredictedTime()

  • getMachines()

  • getMaxLoads()

  • getOverallDelay()- Duration object representing jobstream delay

  • getPctAutosysLatency() - float value representing AutoSys jobstream latency

  • getPctBuiltInDelay() - float value representing built in jobstream delay

  • getPctFinishToStartLatency() - float value representing finish to start jobstream latency

  • getPctNonAutosysDelay() - float value representing non-AutoSys jobstream delay

  • getPctOverallDelay() - float value representing overall jobstream delay

  • getPctStartToRunningLatecy() - float value representing start to running jobstream latency

  • getPctUnexpectedDelay() - float value representing unexpected jobstream delay

  • getPredictionType() - string such as 'COMPLETED'

  • getResources() - list of resources

  • getSchedId() - jobstream sched ID

  • getStaleMachines() - list of machines

  • getStaleMaxLoads() - list of loads

  • getStartTime() - in parse_date() format ('2007/1/15 13:21:00 MST')

  • getTotalAutosysLatency() - Duration object representing total AutoSys latency

  • getTotalBuiltInDelay() - Duration object representing total built in delay

  • getTotalFinishToStartLatency() - Duration object representing total finish to start latency

  • getTotalNonAutosysDelay() - Duration object representing total non-AutoSys delay

  • getTotalStartToRunningLatency() - Duration object representing total start to running latency

  • getTotalUnexpectedDelay() - Duration object representing total unexpected delay

  • hashCode() - hash code representing jobstream run implementation

  • isComplete() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isComputedNoRuns() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isPredictionTimeExceeded() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • setComputedNoRuns(True) - set whether or not jobstream can be computed with no runs

  • setMachines({a:b, c:d}) - set map of machines

  • setMaxLoads({1:2, 3:4}) - set map of maximum loads

  • setResources({1:2, 3:4}) - set map of resources

  • toString() - string representation of JobStreamRunLite object

For more information, see parse_date().