
Object obtained from Report Commands method, see Report Commands.


  • applicableStates
  • beginDate
  • chartRuns
  • class
  • dateMode
  • dates
  • daysOfWeek
  • endDate
  • endTimeOfDay
  • forecastRunWindow
  • groupBy
  • includeCurrentDay
  • includedStates
  • includingCompleted
  • includingForecasted
  • includingNextForecastedOnly
  • includingRunning
  • jobStreamSelector
  • maximumPages
  • name
  • noOfDays
  • outputFormat
  • ownerDomainId
  • ownerName
  • pageOrientation
  • pageSize
  • publicReport
  • reportColumns
  • reportCriteriaId
  • reportType
  • sortAscending
  • sortBy
  • startTimeOfDay
  • timeZone


  • addStartEndTimes() - add start/end times to report

  • canDelete() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • canEdit() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • canRun() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • createReportDateTimeRange() - ReportDateTimeRange object

  • equals() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getApplicableStates() - list of strings such as 'ON_TIME'

  • getBeginDate() - CalendarDate object representing starting date of report

  • getChartRuns() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getClass() - type of object

  • getDateMode() - string such as 'RECENT_DAYS'

  • getDates() - list of dates

  • getDaysOfWeek() - list of string days of week

  • getEndDate() - CalendarDate object representing ending date of report

  • getEndTimeOfDay() - TimeOfDay object representing ending time of report

  • getForecastedRunWindow()

  • getGroupBy() - ReportField object

  • getIncludedStates() - list of strings such as 'ON_TIME'

  • getJobStreamSelector() - list detailing jobStreams, regexes, and domains

  • getMaximumPages() - integer maximum pages of a report

  • getName() - string name of report

  • getNoOfDays() - integer number of days report has been run

  • getOutputFormat() - string such as 'PDF'

  • getOwnerDomainId() - report domain ID

  • getOwnerName() - string name of user

  • getPageOrientation() - string such as 'AUTO'

  • getPageSize() - string such as 'US_LETTER'

  • getReportColumns() - list of ReportField objects representing column headers

  • getReportCriteriaId() - report UUID

  • getReportType() - string such as 'JOB_STREAM_SUMMARY_REPORT_TYPE'

  • getSortBy() - ReportField object representing how report is sorted

  • getStartTimeOfDay() - TimeOfDay object representing starting time of report

  • getTimeFormat() - string such as 'h:mm a'

  • getTimeZone() - ZoneInfo object representing time zone information

  • hashCode() - hash code representing JobStreamSummaryReportCriteria object

  • isIncludeCurrentDay() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isIncludingCompleted() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isIncludingForecasted() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isIncludingNextForecastedOnly() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isIncludingRunning()  - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isPublicReport() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isSortAscending() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • setCanDelete(True) - set whether or notreport can be deleted

  • setCanEdit(True) - set whether or not report can be edited

  • setCanRun(True) - set whether or not report can be run

  • setChartRuns(True) - set whether or not charts in report run

  • setEndTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay.valueOf('17:00:00')) - set end time of day

  • setForecastedRunWindow(Duration.valueOf('5'))  - set report duration

  • setIncludeCurrentDay(True) - set whether or not current day is included in report

  • setIncludingCompleted(True) - set whether or not completed jobstreams are included in report

  • setIncludingForecasted() - set whether or not forecasted jobstreams are included in report

  • setIncludingNextForecastedOnly() - set whether or not only the next forecasted jobstream should be included

  • setIncludingRunning(True) - set whether or not to include running jobstreams

  • setMaximumPages(15) - set integer maximum number of pages in report

  • setName('new name') - set name of report

  • setNoOfDays(5) - set number of days to run report

  • setOwnerInfo('admin', UUID.valueOf('402882aa51ea9ed101520d609e3c04e0')) - set report owner username, UUID

  • setPageOrientation(ReportCriteriaLite.PageOrientation.AUTO) - set report page orientation

  • setPageSize(ReportCriteriaLite.PageSize.US_LETTER) - set report page size

  • setPublicReport(True)  - set whether or not report is public

  • setReportColumns(['JOB_STREAM_NAME', 'TARGET_JOB_NAME', 'DURATION']) - set report column headers

  • setReportCriteriaId(UUID.valueOf('402882aa51ea9ed101520d609e3c04e0')) - set report UUID

  • setSortAscending(True) - set whether or not report is sorted in ascending order

  • setSortBy(ReportField.JOB_STREAM_NAME) - set how report is sorted

  • setStartTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay.valueOf('09:00:00')) - set start time of day

  • toString() - string representation of JobStreamSummaryReportCriteria object

  • usesDaysOfWeek() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • usesStartEndTimes() - boolean string such as 'False'