
Object obtained from scheduler_impl_detail() method.


  • archiveDelimiter
  • archiveDir
  • archivePattern
  • autosysHA
  • auxPort
  • auxServerName
  • class
  • copy
  • crossInstandeReferences
  • id
  • instanceName
  • name
  • online
  • path1
  • path2
  • primaryConnection
  • schedulerType
  • secondaryConnection
  • securityEnabled
  • timeZone


  • equals('a') - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getArchiveDelimiter() - string delimiter such as ','

  • getArchiveDir() - string archive directory

  • getArchivePattern() - archive pattern such as 'Mm.Dd.yyyy'

  • getAuxPort() - string aux port

  • getAuxServerName() - string server name

  • getClass() - type of scheduler detail object

  • getCrossInstanceReferences() - list of references

  • getId() - scheduler UUID

  • getInstanceName() - string instance name

  • getName() - string name of scheduler

  • getPath1()

  • getPath2()

  • getPrimaryConnection() - AutosysConnectionLite object

  • getSchedulerType() - string scheduler type

  • getSecondaryConnection()

  • getTimeZone() - string representing scheduler time zone

  • hashCode() - hash code of given scheduler detail

  • isAutosysHA() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isOnline() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isSecurityEnabled() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • setArchiveDelimiter(',') - set new archive delimiter

  • setArchiveDir('archive') - set new archive directory

  • setArchivePattern('Mm.Dd.yyyy') - set new archive pattern

  • setAutosysHA(True) - set AutoSys HA

  • setAuxPort('a') - set new aux port

  • setAuxServerName('new name') - set new aux server name

  • setInstanceName('new name') - set new instance name

  • setName('new name') - set new scheduler object name

  • setPath1('a') - set new path

  • setPath2('a') - set new path

  • setSecurityEnabled(True) - set whether or not security is enable

  • setTimeZone('America/Denver') - set new time zone

  • toString() - string representation of scheduler details