
Object obtained from get_system_check_info() method.


  • class
  • converterDisabled
  • converterInterval
  • converterWarningThreshold
  • infoMessages
  • invalidLicenseString
  • jammerInterval
  • jammerWarningThreshold
  • licenseDescriptionHtml
  • licenseDescriptionText
  • licenseWarningMessages
  • miscWarningMessages
  • notify
  • notifyAll
  • numDeletedJobs
  • schedulerCacheInitialized
  • schedulerRunInfo
  • schdulerWithLateConverter
  • schedulersWithLateJammer
  • serverMbFree
  • serverMbMax
  • serverMbTotal
  • serverMbWarningThreshold
  • serverMemoryWarningMessages
  • serverStartTime
  • statisticsGeneratorInterval
  • statisticsGeneratorLastActualRunTime
  • statisticsGeneratorLastRunOk
  • statisticsGeneratorOk
  • statisticsGeneratorWarningMessages
  • statisticsWarningThreshold
  • warningMessages


  • addInfoMessage('a') - add message to system info

  • addWarningMessage('warning') - add a warning message to system info

  • equals(a) - boolean string such as 'False'

  • generateMessages() - string messages

  • getClass() - type of object

  • getConverterDisabled() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • getConverterInterval() - Duration of converter interval

  • getConverterWarningThreshold() - float converter threshold value

  • getInfoMessages() - list of messages

  • getJammerInterval() - Duration of jammer interval

  • getJammerWarningThreshold() - float jammer threshold value

  • getLicenseDescriptionHtml() - string in HTML format detailing AAI License information

  • getLicenseDescriptionText() - string in text format detailing AAI License information

  • getLicenseWarningMessages() - list of warning messages

  • getMiscWarningMessages() - list of warning messages

  • getNumDeletedJobs() - integer number of deleted jobs

  • getSchedulerRunInfo() - list of SchedulerRun values

  • getSchedulersWithLateConverter() - set of schedulers

  • getSchedulersWithLateJammer() - set of schedulers

  • getServerMbFree() - long value representing free space in the server

  • getServerMbMax() - long value representing max amount of space in the server

  • getServerMbTotal() - long value representing total amount of space in the server

  • getServerMbWarningThreshold() - integer value representing warning threshold

  • getServerMemoryWarningMessages() - list of messages

  • getServerStartTime() - in parse_date() format ('2007/1/15 13:21:00 MST')

  • getStatisticsGeneratorInterval() - Duration of statistic generator interval

  • getStatisticsGeneratorLastActualRunTime() - in parse_date() format ('2007/1/15 13:21:00 MST')

  • getStatisticsGeneratorWarningMessages() - list of messages

  • getStatisticsWarningThreshold() - float value of threshold

  • getWarningMessages() - list of messages

  • hashCode('a') - hash code of system info

  • isSchedulerCacheInitialized() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isStatisticsGeneratorLastRunOk() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • isStatisticsGeneratorOk() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • printMessages() - prints system info messages

  • setConverterDisabled(False) - set state of converter

  • setConverterWarningThreshold(10.5) - set converter threshold

  • setDeletedJobsWarningThreshold(10) - set deleted jobs threshold

  • setJammerHasRunOnce(True) - set state of jammer

  • setJammerWarningThreshold(10.5) - set jammer threshold

  • setLicenseDescriptionHtml('HTML') - set license HTML

  • setLicenseDescriptionText('Text') - set license text

  • setNumDeletedJobs(2) - set integer number of deleted jobs

  • setSchedulerCacheInitialized(True) - set whether or not the scheduler cache is initialized

  • setServerMbFree(500) - set amount of free server space

  • setServerMbMax(10000) - set max amount of server space

  • setServerMbTotal(15000) - set total amount of server space

  • setServerMbWarningThreshold(500) - set server warning value

  • setStatisticsGeneratorLastRunOk(True) - set whether or not the last statistics generator run was a success

  • setStatisticsWarningThreshold(50) - set statistics generator threshold

  • showGlobalJobConverterInfo() - boolean string such as 'False'

  • toString() - string representation of system info

For more information, see parse_date().